cover image - Underwood's Pathology. Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9780702072079
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 04-13-2018
Page Count: 776
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $54.99

Underwood's Pathology. Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource, 7th Edition

by Simon S. Cross, MD FRCPath

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Underwood's Pathology. Elsevier eBook on Vitalsource, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9780702072079
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 04-13-2018
Page Count: 776
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $54.99
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    1 What is pathology?

    2 What is disease?

    3 What causes disease?


    4 Disorders of growth, differentiation and morphogenesis

    5 Responses to cellular injury

    6 Disorders of metabolism and homeostasis

    7 Ischaemia, infarction and shock

    8 Immunology and immunopathology

    9 Inflammation

    10 Neoplasia and carcinogenesis

    11 Ageing and death

    12 How do pathologists help patient care?


    13 Cardiovascular system

    14 Respiratory tract

    15 Alimentary system

    16 Liver, biliary system and exocrine pancreas

    17 Endocrine system

    18 Breast

    19 Female genital tract

    20 Urinary and male genital tracts

    21 Kidney diseases

    22 Lymph nodes and extranodal lymphoid tissue, spleen and thymus

    23 Blood and bone marrow

    24 Skin

    25 Osteoarticular and connective tissues

    26 Central and peripheral nervous systems



  • Simon S. Cross, MD FRCPath, Professor of Diagnostic Histopathology and Honorary Consultant, Histopathologist, Academic Unit of Pathology, Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health, The University of Sheffield, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, UK
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