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cover image - Oh's Intensive Care Manual,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780702072215
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 10-24-2018
Page Count: 1480
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $116.99

Oh's Intensive Care Manual, 8th Edition

by Andrew D Bersten, MB, BS, MD, FANZCA, FJFICM and Jonathan M. Handy, BSc MBBS FRCA EDIC FFICM


cover image - Oh's Intensive Care Manual,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780702072215
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 10-24-2018
Page Count: 1480
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $116.99
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    • New coverage of the latest developments in ICU imaging techniques, including ultrasound.
    • New information on the latest advances in ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) for cardiac and respiratory failure, ARDS, septic shock, neurologic disorders, muscle function, and hemodynamic therapy.
    • New co-editor Dr. Jonathan Handy shares his knowledge and expertise on acid-base disturbances during critical illness, critical care transfers, intravenous fluid therapy, cardiovascular physiology, burn management, sepsis, and the immunological impact of surgery and burn injury.
    • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • PART 1 – Organisation Aspects

    1 - Design and organisation of intensive care units

    2 - Critical care Outreach & rapid response systems

    3 - Severity Scoring and Outcome Prediction

    4 - Transport of the critically ill patients

    5 - Physiotherapy in intensive care

    6 - Critical care nursing

    7 – Ethics

    8 - Common problems after ICU

    9 - Clinical information systems

    10 – Trials

    11 - Palliative care

    12 - ICU and the elderly

    13 - Team based health care delivery

    14 - Genetics and Sepsis

    PART 2 – Shock

    15 - Overview of shock

    16 - Haemodynamic monitoring

    17 - Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome

    18 - Monitoring oxygenation

    19 - Hyperlactatemia in Critical Illness

    PART 3 – Acute Coronary Care

    20 - Acute cardiac investigations and interventions

    21 - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (including defibrillation)

    22 - Cardiac arrhythmias (combine with drugs)

    23 - Cardiac pacing

    24 - Acute Heart failure and Pulmonary Hypertension

    25 - Valvular and congenital heart disease and infective endocarditis

    26 - Postoperative cardiac intensive care

    27 - Echocardiography in intensive care

    PART 4 – Respiratory Failure

    28 - Oxygen therapy

    29 - Airway management and acute airway obstruction

    30 - Acute respiratory failure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    31 - Mechanical ventilator support

    32 - Humidifiers and inhalation therapy

    33 - Acute respiratory distress syndrome include fat embolism

    34 - Pulmonary embolism

    35 - Acute severe asthma

    36 – Pneumonia

    37 - Noninvasive ventilation

    38 - Respiratory monitoring

    39 - Chest imaging

    40 - Ultrasound in the ICU

    41 – ECMO

    PART 5 – Gastroenterological Emergencies

    42 - Acute gastrointestinal bleeding

    43 - Acute pancreatitis

    44 - Hepatic failure

    45 - Abdominal Surgical Catastrophes

    46 - Implications of solid tumours for Intensive Care

    PART 6 – Acute Renal Failure

    47 - Acute Kidney Injury

    48 - Renal Replacement Therapy

    PART 7 – Neurological Disorders

    49 - Disorders of consciousness

    50 - Status epilepticus

    51 - Acute cerebrovascular complications

    52 - Cerebral protection

    53 - Brain death

    54 - Meningitis and encephalomyelitis

    55 – Tetanus

    56 – Delirium

    57 - ICU acquired weakness

    58 - Neuromuscular disorders

    PART 8 – Endocrine Disorders

    59 – Diabetic emergencies

    60 - Diabetes insipidus and other polyuric syndromes

    61 - Thyroid emergencies

    62 - Adrenocortical insufficiency

    63 - Acute calcium disorders

    PART 9 – Obstetric Emergencies

    64 - Preeclampsia and eclampsia

    65 - Obstetric emergencies

    66 - Severe cardiac disease in pregnancy

    PART 10 – Infections and Immune Disorders

    67 – Anaphylaxis

    68 - Host defence and immunodeficiency

    69 - HIV and AIDS

    70 - Sepsis and Septic shock

    71 - Nosocomial infections

    72 - Severe soft tissue infections

    73 - Fungal infection

    74 - Principles of antibiotic use in the ICU

    75 - Tropical diseases

    PART 11 – Severe and Multiple Trauma

    76 - Severe and multiple injuries

    77 - Severe head injuries

    78 - Faciomaxillary and upper airway injuries

    79 - Chest injuries

    80 - Spinal injuries

    81 - Abdominal and pelvic injuries

    PART 12 – Environmental Injuries

    82 – Submersion

    83 – Burns

    84 - Thermal disorders

    85 - Electrical safety and injuries

    86 – Envenomation

    87 - Blast and ballistic trauma

    88 – Bioterrorism

    PART 13 – Pharmacologic Considerations

    89 - Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug monitoring in acute illness

    90 - Poisoning and drug intoxication

    91 - Sedation and pain management in intensive care

    92 - Vasopressors and inotropes

    93 - Vasodilators and antihypertensives

    PART 14 – Metabolic Homeostasis

    94 - Acid-base balance and disorders

    95 - Fluid and electrolyte therapy

    96 - Enteral and parenteral nutrition

    PART 15 – Haematological Management

    97 - Blood transfusion

    98 - Colloids and blood products

    99 - Plasmapheresis, therapeutic plasma exchange and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy

    100 - Haemostatic failure

    101 - Haematological malignancy

    PART 16 – Transplantation

    102 - Organ donation

    103 - Liver transplantation

    104 - Heart and lung transplantation

    PART 17 – Paediatric Intensive Care

    105 - The critically ill child

    106 - Upper airway obstruction in children

    107 - Acute respiratory failure in children

    108 - Paediatric fluid and electrolyte therapy

    109 - Sedation and analgesia in children

    110 - Shock and cardiac disease in children

    111 - Neurological emergencies in children

    112 - Paediatric trauma

    113 - Treatment limitation and organ procurement

    114 - Paediatric poisoning and envenomation

    115 - Paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  • Andrew D Bersten, MB, BS, MD, FANZCA, FJFICM, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Flinders Medical Centre and School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia and Jonathan M. Handy, BSc MBBS FRCA EDIC FFICM, Consultant in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Magill Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College Medical School, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.