cover image - Crash Course 1000 SBAs and EMQs for Medical Finals, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780702073847
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 01-02-2019
Page Count: 229
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $41.99

Crash Course 1000 SBAs and EMQs for Medical Finals, 2nd Edition

by Philip Xiu, MA (Cantab) MB BChir MRCP MRCGP MScClinEd FHEA MAcadMEd RCPathME


cover image - Crash Course 1000 SBAs and EMQs for Medical Finals, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780702073847
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 01-02-2019
Page Count: 229
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $41.99
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Newer Edition Available

  • Section 1: Medicine

    Chapter 1. Cardiology

    Chapter 2. Gastroenterology

    Chapter 3. Respiratory

    Chapter 4. Renal

    Chapter 5. Neurology

    Chapter 6. Rheumatology

    Chapter 7. Endocrine and Diabetes

    Chapter 8. Haematology

    Section 2: Surgery

    Chapter 9. Trauma and surgical emergencies

    Chapter 10. Perioperative care

    Chapter 11. Gastrointestinal surgery

    Chapter 12. Cardiothoracics and Vascular surgery

    Chapter 13. Orthopaedics

    Chapter 14. Ear, Nose and Throat

    Chapter 15. Urology

    Chapter 16. Breast surgery

  • Philip Xiu, MA (Cantab) MB BChir MRCP MRCGP MScClinEd FHEA MAcadMEd RCPathME, GP Registrar, Yorkshire Deanery, Leeds, UK
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