Crash Course 1000 SBAs and EMQs for Medical Finals, 2nd Edition

Newer Edition Available
Section 1: Medicine
Chapter 1. Cardiology
Chapter 2. Gastroenterology
Chapter 3. Respiratory
Chapter 4. Renal
Chapter 5. Neurology
Chapter 6. Rheumatology
Chapter 7. Endocrine and Diabetes
Chapter 8. Haematology
Section 2: Surgery
Chapter 9. Trauma and surgical emergencies
Chapter 10. Perioperative care
Chapter 11. Gastrointestinal surgery
Chapter 12. Cardiothoracics and Vascular surgery
Chapter 13. Orthopaedics
Chapter 14. Ear, Nose and Throat
Chapter 15. Urology
Chapter 16. Breast surgery