The ECG Made Practical, 7th Edition
- Clinically-orientated with a quick reference list of cardiovascular conditions
- Builds on the basic knowledge outlined in the classic ECG Made Easy
- Emphasises the individuality of every ECG and uses full 12-lead ECG recordings to provide a realistic reproduction of the clinical environment.
- The unique page size allows presentation of 12-lead ECGs across a single page for clarity.
- Each chapter begins with a brief account of the relevant history and examination and ends with a short account of what might be done once the ECG has been interpreted.
The ECG is a vital part of diagnosis and prolonged ambulatory ECG recording is now commonplace. This Seventh Edition includes a greater focus on ambulatory monitoring and the newer monitoring devices, while developments in pacing systems and defibrillators are described.
- The ECG in healthy people
- The ECG in patients with palpitations and syncope: between attacks: initial assessment
- The ECG in patients with palpitations and syncope: between attacks: ambulatory ECG monitoring
- The ECG when the patient has a tachycardia
- The ECG when the patient has a bradycardia
- The ECG in patients with chest pain
- The ECG in patients with breathlessness
- The effect of other conditions on the ECG
- Conclusions: four steps to making the most of the ECG