Management of Neck Pain Disorders Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

The book covers:
• Current issues and debates in the field of neck pain disorders
• Research informing best practice assessment and management
• Biological, psychological and social features which need to be considered when assessing and developing a management program with the patient
• A multimodal conservative management approach, which addresses the presenting episode of pain as well as rehabilitation strategies towards prevention of recurrent episodes.
Section 1 Introduction
1 Neck Pain Disorders
Section 2 Clinical Sciences
2 Nociception and Pain perception
3 Movement and Posture in Neck Pain Disorders
4 Neural Tissue in Neck Pain Disorders
5 Neuromuscular Disturbances in Neck Pain Disorders
6 Sensorimotor Control Disturbances in Neck Pain Disorders
7 Psychological and Social Considerations in Neck Pain Disorders
Section 3 Clinical Assessment
8 Clinical Assessment: The patient interview
9 Clinical Assessment: The physical examination
10 The Differential Diagnosis of Symptoms and Signs of Sensorimotor Control Disturbances
11 Headache: The Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Musculoskeletal Causes or Contributors
Section 4 Clinical Management
12 Principles of Management
13 Communication, Education and Self-Management
14 Management of Joint and Movement Dysfunction
15 Management of Neuromuscular Dysfunction
16 Management of Sensorimotor Control Disturbances
17 Management of Nerve Tissue
18 Case Presentations: Clinical reasoning and clinical decision making
19 Concluding Remarks: Focussing on prevention