cover image - Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702076176
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 01-10-2019
Page Count: 560
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $25.95

Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology, 1st Edition

by Anne Muller

Spiral Bound

cover image - Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702076176
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 01-10-2019
Page Count: 560
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $25.95
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    • Summarizes essential facts from the world’s favourite human biology textbook!
    • Presents over 250 key anatomical structures together with ‘quick reference’ revision notes regarding their structure, function and clinical relevance
    • Straightforward language and user-friendly approach provides a useful, up-to-date aide-memoire in a helpful, easy-to-carry format
    • Helpful website provides a range of self-assessment exercises on anatomy and physiology to help consolidate learning

    The relations between the pulmonary and systemic circulations / The inner aspect of a vein / The location of the heart in the thorax / Organs in relation to the heart / Layers of the wall of the heart / Inner aspect of the heart / The mitral valve / Direction of blood flow inside the heart / Section of the aorta opened to show the semilunar cusps of the aortic valve / The flow of blood inside the heart and the systemic and pulmonary circulations / The coronary arteries / The conducting system of the heart / The skeletal muscle pump / The main sites for taking the pulse / The aorta and the main arteries of the limbs / The venae cavae and the main veins of the limbs / The aorta and its main branches / The venae cavae and their main tributaries / The main arteries of the left side of the head and neck / The arteries forming the cerebral arterial circle (the circle of Willis) and its main branches to the brain / The right vertebral artery / The veins of the left side of the head and neck / The main arteries of the right arm / The main veins of the right arm / The coeliac artery with its branches and the inferior phrenic arteries / The superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and their branches / The venous drainage of the abdominal organs and the formation of the portal vein / The portal vein: its origin and termination / The femoral artery and its main branches / The popliteal artery and its main branches / The superficial veins of the lower limb / The relation of the placenta to the uterine wall


    The main constituents of the lymphatic system / The origin of a lymphatic capillary / Section through a lymphatic vessel opened to show the cusps / Section through a lymph node / Some lymph nodes of the face and neck / The spleen / Section through the spleen / The adult thymus and adjacent structures


    The structure of neuron / The arrangement of the myelin sheath / Diagram of a synapse / Transverse section through a peripheral nerve showing its protective coats / Frontal section showing the meninges covering the brain and the spinal cord / The location of the cerebral ventricles: left lateral phantom view on the surface of the brain / Frontal section of the cranium / Median section through the brain showing its main components / The lobes and the main sulci of the cerebral hemispheres / Frontal section of the brain / The left cerebral hemisphere and its main functional areas / The pathways of the motor neurons - upper and lower motor neurons / Areas of the cerebral cortex involved in superior mental activities / The cerebellum and associated structures / The meninges covering the spinal cord / Transverse sections of the spinal canal showing the epidural space / The spinal cord and the spinal nerves / Transverse section of the spinal cord showing the nerve roots on one side / One of the sensory pathways from the skin to the cerebral hemispheres / The patellar (knee-jerk) reflex: left side/ The relations between the sympathetic nervous system and the mixed spinal nerves / The meninges covering the spinal cord, the spinal nerves and their plexuses / The cervical plexus / The main nerves of the upper limb / Distribution and origin of the cutaneous nerves of the upper limb / The lumbosacral and coccygeal plexuses / The main nerves of the lower limb / Distribution and origin of the cutaneous nerves of the lower limb / Cranial nerves and associated structures on the inferior aspect of the brain / Cutaneous distribution of the main branches of the right trigeminal nerve / Location of the vagus nerve in the thorax / The sympathetic nervous system: its main targets and its stimulatory effects / The parasympathetic nervous system: its main targets and its stimulatory effects


    The components of the ear / The auditory ossicles / The internal ear / Transverse section of the cochlea showing the spiral organ (of Corti) / The transmission of sound waves / Cross-section of the eye / The choroid, the ciliary body and the iris / The lens and its suspensory ligament: frontal view / Blown-up section of the retina / The optic nerves and their pathways / Section of the eye showing the focusing of light rays on the retina / Accommodation: how the ciliary muscle alters the shape of the lens / The components of the visual field: monocular and binocular vision / The extrinsic ocular muscles / Section of the eye and its adnexal structures / The lacrimal apparatus / The sense of smell / The structure of the taste-buds


    The locations of the endocrine glands / Median section showing the location of the pituitary gland and associated structures / The pituitary gland / Location of the thyroid gland and adjacent structures / Location of the parathyroid glands and adjacent structures


    The structures associated with the respiratory system / The constituent structures of the nasal septum / The lateral wall of the right nasal cavity / View of the passage of air from nose to larynx / Larynx / The cricoid cartilage / The vocal cords / Extreme positions of the vocal cords in abduction (open) / Extreme positions of the vocal cords in adduction (closed) / The trachea and some adjacent structures / The relations between the trachea and the oesophagus / The cells lining the trachea / Organs related to the lungs / The pulmonary lobes and the blood vessels/airways of each lobe / The relations of the pleura and of the lungs / The flow of blood between heart and lungs / The lower airways / The alveoli and their capillary plexuses / The alveoli and their capillary plexuses / The intercostal muscles and the bones of the thorax / The diaphragm / Changes in the size of the thorax during breathing / Changes in the size of the thorax during breathing - inspiratory phase / Changes in the size of the thorax during breathing - expiratory phase / Intrapulmonary gas exchange / Intra-tissular gas exchange / Intrapulmonary gas exchange i

  • Anne Muller, Nurse, Senior Health Executive, Doctor of Educational Sciences and Instructor at the Health Management Training Institute, Ile-de-France, France
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