cover image - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780702076756
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 11-04-2019
Page Count: 640
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $392.00

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition

by Frank J M Verstraete, BVSc, DrMedVet, MMedVet, Milinda J Lommer, DVM, DAVDC and Boaz Arzi, DVM, DAVDC, DEVDC


cover image - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780702076756
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 11-04-2019
Page Count: 640
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $392.00
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Help your students master a highly specialized form of animal surgery. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition offers a unique, detailed, comprehensive and highly illustrated account of surgical procedures that will improve outcomes for all surgical and dental specialists. The second edition of this text is a collaborative effort from both human and veterinary oral surgeons – each considered an expert in their field. With in-depth clinical photos, and illustrations, this indispensable resource is perfect for both students and general practitioners alike.

Newer Edition Available

3rd Edition

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats

ISBN: 9780443109744
    • NEW! Expert Consult site provides you and your students with digital access to the full textbook.
    • NEW! Additional chapters on the latest discoveries and techniques cover Diagnostic imaging in oral and maxillofacial surgery, Piezosurgery, Temporomandibular ankyloses and pseudoankylosis, and Regenerative techniques in maxillofacial surgery.
    • An authoritative collaboration between human and animal surgeons includes over 30 international contributors who represent the peak of professional expertise in the field.
    • UNIQUE! Only book on the market devoted to a surgical specialty of growing relevance provides students with a look at this highly specialized practice.
    • High-quality illustrations combined with step-by-step textual guidance give students a clear understanding of the material.
    • In-depth descriptions of surgical conditions provide students with detailed explanations of surgical procedures.
    • NEW! Expert Consult site provides you with digital access to the full textbook.
    • NEW! Additional chapters on the latest discoveries and techniques cover Diagnostic imaging in oral and maxillofacial surgery, Piezosurgery, Temporomandibular ankyloses and pseudoankylosis, and Regenerative techniques in maxillofacial surgery.
  • SECTION 1: Surgical biology 
    1. Oral soft tissue wound healing
    2. Maxillofacial bone healing
    3. Use of antibiotics and antiseptics
    4. Anesthesia and pain management
    5. Enteral nutritional support

    SECTION 2: Surgical methods 
    6. Diagnostic imaging in oral and maxillofacial surgery (NEW)
    7. Instrumentation, patient positioning and aseptic technique
    8. Suture materials and biomaterials
    9. Piezosurgery (NEW)
    10. Laser surgery
    11. Microvascular techniques in maxillofacial surgery
    12. Use of the dog and cat in experimental maxillofacial surgery

    SECTION 3: Exodontics 
    13. Principles of exodontics
    14. Simple extraction of single-rooted teeth
    15. Extraction of canine teeth in dogs
    16. Extraction of multirooted teeth in dogs
    17. Special considerations in feline exodontics
    18. Complications of extractions

    SECTION 4: Periodontal surgery 
    19. Principles of periodontal surgery
    20. Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty
    21. Periodontal flaps and mucogingival surgery
    22. Osteoconductive and osteoinductive agents in periodontal surgery
    23. Crown-lengthening
    24. Management of periodontal trauma

    SECTION 5: Endodontal surgery 
    25. Principles of endodontic surgery
    26. Endodontic surgical techniques

    SECTION 6: Maxillofacial trauma repair 
    27. Principles of maxillofacial trauma repair
    28. Facial soft tissue injuries
    29. Surgical approaches for mandibular and maxillofacial trauma repair
    30. Symphyseal separation and fractures involving the incisive region
    31. Maxillofacial fracture repair using noninvasive techniques
    32. Maxillofacial fracture repair using intraosseous wires
    33. Maxillofacial fracture repair using miniplates and screws
    34. Maxillofacial fracture repair using external skeletal fixation
    35. Maxillofacial fracture complications

    SECTION 7:  Temporomandibular Joint Surgery
    36. Temporomandibular joint dysplasia
    37. Fractures and luxations involving the temporomandibular joint
    38. Temporomandibular ankyloses and pseudoankylosis (NEW)

    SECTION 8: Palate surgery 
    39. Biologic basis of cleft palate and palatal surgery
    40. Orofacial Cleft Repair
    41. Acquired palatal defects

    SECTION 9: Management of maxillofacial tumors and cysts 
    42. Clinical staging and biopsy of maxillofacial tumors
    43. Clinical–pathologic correlations
    44. Clinical behavior of nonodontogenic tumors
    45. Clinical behavior of odontogenic tumors
    46. Non-neoplastic proliferative oral lesions
    47. Clinical behavior and management of odontogenic cysts
    48. Principles of oral oncologic surgery
    49. Surgical treatment of tongue, lip and cheek tumors
    50. Maxillectomy techniques
    51. Mandibulectomy techniques
    52. Axial-pattern flaps for maxillofacial reconstruction
    53. Regenerative techniques in maxillofacial surgery (NEW)

    SECTION 10: Salivary gland surgery 
    54. Principles of salivary gland surgery
    55. Surgical treatment of sialoceles

    SECTION 11: Miscellaneous maxillofacial surgery procedures 
    56. Cheiloplasty
    57. Inferior labial frenoplasty and tight-lip syndrome
    58. Management of maxillofacial osteonecrosis
    59. Management of unerupted teeth

    SECTION 12: Oral approaches to ear, nose, and throat procedures 
    60. Correction of overlong soft palate
    61. Pharyngotomy and pharyngostomy
    62. Oral approaches to the nasal cavity and nasopharynx
    63. Tonsillectomy

  • Frank J M Verstraete, BVSc, DrMedVet, MMedVet, Professor of Dentistry and Oral Surgery,Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences,University of California - Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Milinda J Lommer, DVM, DAVDC, Clinical Assistant Professor Volunteer,Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences,University of California - Davis,School of Veterinary Medicine and Boaz Arzi, DVM, DAVDC, DEVDC, Associate Professor of Dentistry and Oral Surgery,Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences,School of Veterinary Medicine,University of California - Davis
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