Learning to Care Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Newer Edition Available
- Clear, no nonsense writing style helps make learning easy
- Provides helpful advice on study skills and essay writing
- Incorporates the 15 Standards of the Care Certificate
- Learning objectives at the start of each chapter enable readers to monitor their progress
- Key Words feature encourage familiarisation with a new vocabulary
- ‘Self Test’ questions at the start of each chapter allow readers to establish their baseline knowledge
- Reflection and Critical Awareness features encourage critical thinking and recall of essential information
- Medicine Trolley feature outlines common drugs, their usage, routes of administration and side effects
- Case Studies give practical context to core information
- Care in the Home Setting, At the GP Surgery and Communities of Care boxes illustrate healthcare provision outside the hospital environment
- Includes anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology of important diseases and disorders
- OSCEs help trainee nursing associates prepare for examinations
- Helpful glossary provides definitions of new terms
Part 1 Learning to Care
1 Health and social care provision
2 The Care Certificate
3 Learning to learn
4 Professional and regulatory bodies
5 The law and the NA
6 Professional issues
7 Documentation
8 The 6Cs
9 Effective communication skills
10 Taking a patient history & physical examination
11 A systematic approach to nursing care
12 Managing care provision
13 Reflective practice
14 Using an evidence base
15 Health education and promotion
16 Infection prevention and control
17 Medicines management
18 Moving and handling
19 First aid
20 Data gathering and patient monitoring
21 Breaking bad news
22 Essay writing
Part 2 Providing Effective Care
23 Nutrition
24 Cancer
25 Skin care
26 Skin disorders
27 Immunity
28 Pain management
29 Cardiovascular disorders
30 Haematological disorders
31 Respiratory disorders
32 Gastro intestinal disorders
33 Urinary disorders
34 Reproductive disorders
35 Endocrine disorders
36 Neurological disorders
37 ENT disorders
38 Ophthalmological disorders
39 Musculoskeletal disorders