cover image - Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780702078798
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-15-2020
Page Count: 320
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $98.99

Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 2nd Edition

by Camilla Rothe, MD, DTM&H


cover image - Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780702078798
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-15-2020
Page Count: 320
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $98.99
    • Offers realistic scenarios for encountering patients in rural, resource-poor settings, presenting cases as "unknowns," just as in a real clinic or emergency situation.
    • Covers newly emerging diseases such as Zika virus, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS), and knowlesi malaria.
    • Features topics in migrant medicine of particular importance to clinicians in non-tropical countries, including louse-borne-relapsing fever, spinal brucellosis, and hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly.
    • Includes "classic" tropical diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, chagas, leprosy, and yaws.
    • Reflects the use of novel diagnostics used in resource-poor settings, as well as developing drug resistance in relevant cases.
    • Serves as a companion to Manson's Tropical Diseases, with a reading list at the end of each case referring to the corresponding chapter in the larger text. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
    1. A 20-Year-Old Woman from Sudan With Fever, Haemorrhage and Shock
    2. A 7-Year-Old Girl from Peru With a Chronic Skin Ulcer
    3. A 26-Year-Old Woman from Malawi with Headache, Confusion and Unilateral Ptosis
    4. A 4-Year-Old Girl from Uganda in a Coma
    5. A 4-Year-Old Boy from Laos With a Lesion of the Lip and Cheek
    6. A 36-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from Botswana With a Creeping Eruption
    7. A 28-Year-Old Male Fisherman from Malawi With Shortness of Breath
    8. A 26-Year-Old Female Traveller Returning from Ghana With a Boil on the Leg
    9. A 52-Year-Old Man from Vietnam With Evolving Shock
    10. A 55-Year-Old Indigenous Woman from Australia With a Widespread Exfoliating Rash and Sepsis
    11. A 45-Year-Old Male Security Guard from Malawi With Difficulties in Walking and Back Pain
    12. A 29-Year-Old Man from The Gambia With Genital Ulceration
    13. A 16-Year-Old Girl from Malawi With Fever and Abdominal Pain
    14. A 22-Year-Old Woman from Bangladesh With Profuse Watery Diarrhoea
    15. A 3-Year-Old Boy from Laos With Right Suppurative Parotitis
    16. A 25-Year-Old Female School Teacher from Malawi With Abrupt Onset of Fever and Confusion
    17. A 34-Year-Old Man from Thailand With Fever and a Papular Rash
    18. A 56-Year-Old Man Returning from a Trip to Thailand With Eosinophilia
    19. A 40-Year-Old Man from Togo With Subcutaneous Nodules and Corneal Opacities
    20. A 43-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from Mozambique With Fever and Eosinophilia
    21. A 35-Year-Old American Man With Fatigue and a Neck Lesion
    22. 32-Year-Old Woman from Nigeria With Jaundice and Confusion
    23. A 31-Year-Old HIV-Positive Business Traveller With Cough, Shortness of Breath and Night Sweats
    24. A 14-Year-Old Boy from Rural Tanzania With Difficulty in Walking
    25. A 72-Year-Old Male Farmer from Laos With Extensive Skin Lesions on the Lower Leg
    26. A 14-Year-Old Boy from Malawi Who Has Been Bitten by a Snake
    27. A 16-Year-Old Boy from Sri Lanka With Fever Jaundice and Renal Failure
    28. A 67-Year-Old Female Expatriate Living in Cameroon With Eosinophilia and Pericarditis
    29. A 35-Year-Old Woman from Malawi With Fever and Severe Anaemia
    30. A 12-Year-Old Boy from Rural Kenya With Painful Eyes
    31. A 6-Year-Old Boy from Malawi With Fever, Cough and Impaired Consciousness
    32. A 44-Year-Old Male Farmer from Laos With Diabetes and a Back Abscess
    33. A 53-Year-Old Man from Malawi With a Chronic Cough
    34. A 35-Year-Old Male Farmer from Peru With a Chronic Ulcer and Multiple Nodular Lesions on the Arm
    35. A 32-Year-Old Woman from Malawi With Headache and Blurred Vision
    36. A 23-Year-Old Farmer from Myanmar With Unilateral Scrotal Swelling
    37. A 29-Year-Old Woman from Malawi With Confusion, Diarrhoea and a Skin Rash
    38. A 24-Year-Old Female Globetrotter With Strange Sensations in the Right Side of Her Body
    39. A 30-Year-Old Male Chinese Trader With Fever in Laos
    40. A 62-Year-Old Woman from Ethiopia With Difficulty Eating
    41. A 7-Year-Old Girl from West Africa With Two Skin Ulcers and a Contracture of Her Right Wrist
    42. A 41-Year-Old Male Traveller Returning from Australia With Itchy Eruptions on His Thighs
    43. A 35-Year-Old Malawian Woman With a Painful Ocular Tumour
    44. A 7-Year-Old Girl from South Sudan With Undulating Fever
    45. A 2-Month-Old Girl from Laos With Dyspnoea, Cyanosis and Irritability
    46. A 45-Year-Old Man from Sri Lanka With Fever and Right Hypochondrial Pain
    47. A 32-Year-Old Man from Malawi With a Painfully Swollen Neck
    48. A 31-Year-Old Woman from Tanzania With Acute Flaccid Paraplegia
    49. A 33-Year-Old Male Traveller to India With Diarrhoea and Flatulence for Two Weeks
    50. A 24-Year-Old Man of Turkish Origin With Jaundice and Cystic Liver Lesions
    51. A 34-Year-Old HIV-Positive Woman from Malawi With Slowly Progressive Half-Sided Weakness
    52. A 56-Year-Old Man from Peru With Prolonged Fever and Severe Anaemia
    53. A 24-Year-Old Woman from Uganda With Fever and Shock
    54. A 52-Year-Old Male Safari Tourist Returning from South Africa With Fever and a Skin Lesion
    55. A 40-Year-Old Male Farmer from Peru With Chronic Cough and Weight Loss
    56. A 21-Year-Old Pregnant Woman from The Gambia With a Rash
    57. A 37-Year-Old Woman from Malawi With Haematemesis
    58. A 25-Year-Old Woman from Egypt With Severe Chronic Diarrhoea and Malabsorption
    59. A 24-Year-Old Man from Malawi With Skin Lesions and Breathlessness
    60. A 6-Year-Old Boy from Malawi With Proptosis of the Left Eye
    61. A 48-Year-Old Woman from Thailand With Fever and Disseminated Cutaneous Abscesses
    62. A 28-Year-Old Man from Ghana With a Chronic Ulcer on His Ankle
    63. A 38-Year-Old European Expatriate Living in Malawi With Difficulty Passing Urine
    64. A 40-Year-Old Woman from Thailand and Her Brother-in-Law With Severe Headache
    65. A 4-Year-Old Girl from Bolivia With a Dark Nodule on Her Toe
    66. A 32-Year-Old Man from Malawi With Pain in the Right Upper Abdomen and a Feeling of Faintness
    67. A 24-Year-Old Woman from the Peruvian Andes With Fever and Abdominal Pain
    68. A 31-Year-Old Woman from Malawi With a Generalized Mucocutaneous Rash
    69. A 22-Year-Old Male Farmer from Rural Ethiopia With Difficulty Walking
    70. A 58-Year-Old Woman from Sri Lanka With Fever, Deafness and Confusion
    71. A 71-Year-Old Man from Japan With Eosinophilia and a Nodular Lesion in the Lung
    72. A 4-Year-Old Boy from Mozambique With Severe Oedema and Skin Lesions
    73. A 21-Year-Old Male Migrant from Rural Mali With Massive Splenomegaly
    74. A 28-Year-Old Woman from Sierra Leone With Fever and Conjunctivitis
    75. A 25-Year-Old Woman from Zambia With a New-Onset Seizure
    76. A 55-Year Old Woman from Turkey With Fever of Unknown Origin
    77. A 51-Year-Old Female Traveller Returning from Central America With Conjunctivitis, Rash and Peripheral Oedema
    78. A 42-Year-Old British Man Living in Malawi With Anaphylactic Sho
  • Camilla Rothe, MD, DTM&H, Head of Clinical Tropical Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, LMU University, Munich, Germany