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Crash Course Pathology Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition
by Olivia Mckinney, BA, MBBS, FRCPath and Isabel Woodman, MA (Cantab), MSc, MBBS, FRCPath
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
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1 Introduction to pathology2 Postmortem pathology3 Inflammation, repair and cell death4 Cancer5 Infectious disease6 Molecular pathology7 Pathology of the nervous system8 Pathology of the head and neck9 Pathology of the cardiovascular system10 Pathology of the respiratory system11 Pathology of the gastrointestinal system12 Pathology of the hepatopancreaticobiliary system13 Pathology of the kidney and urinary tract14 Pathology of the endocrine system15 Pathology of the reproductive system16 Pathology of the musculoskeletal system17 Pathology of the blood and immune system18 Pathology of the skinSingle best answer (SBA) questionsExtended-matching questions (EMQs)SBA answersEMQ answers
Most review copies are eBooks – how fast!
A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.