Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, 1st Edition

- Accessible, step-by-step approach to support understanding
- Highly illustrated, ultrasound images included throughout
- Tips to help the reader problem solve and avoid common pitfalls
Chapter number and title
1. Introduction
Lorelei waring, Alison hall, Sara Riley
- • This section will provide a background to MSK ultrasound and where this modality fits in the healthcare spectrum
2. Physical principles of ultrasound
Heather Venables
- • As this book will be utilised by a range of healthcare professional it is important to include a section of the physical principles of ultrasound to support new learners in the field. This section will detail the important physical principles, how ultrasound interacts with different tissues and how an ultrasound image is produced. Artefacts associated with the MSK field and the principles of Doppler will also be included
3. Ultrasound of the shoulder
Lorelei Waring
- • Technique
- • Normal appearances
- • Pathological conditions
- • Clinical relevance
4. Ultrasound of the elbow, Wrist and Hand
- • Technique
- • Normal appearances
- • Pathological conditions