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cover image - Dermatology,5th Edition
ISBN: 9780702082252
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 04-24-2024
Page Count: 2928
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $479.99

Dermatology, 5th Edition

by Jean L. Bolognia, MD, Julie V. Schaffer, MD and Lorenzo Cerroni, MD


cover image - Dermatology,5th Edition
ISBN: 9780702082252
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 04-24-2024
Page Count: 2928
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $479.99
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    • Simplifies complex content in a highly accessible, highly visual manner, with 1,100+ tables; 2,600+ figures, including numerous disease classification algorithms as well as diagnostic and therapeutic pathways; and over 1,500 additional figures and tables online.
    • Utilizes weighted differential diagnosis tables and a “ladder” approach to therapeutic interventions.
    • Features an intuitive organization and color-coded sections that allow for easy and rapid access to the information you need.
    • Retains an emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations, with photomicrographs demonstrating key histologic findings adjacent to clinical images of the same disorder.
    • Contains updated treatment information throughout, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, JAK inhibitors, and monoclonal antibodies for a wide range of conditions such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, and skin cancers.
    • Provides up-to-date information on genetic and molecular markers and next-generation sequencing as it applies to dermatologists.
    • Features new videos, including cryosurgical and suturing techniques, treatment of rhinophyma via electrosection, and neuromodulator treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis.
    • Includes new WHO classifications of skin tumors, new FDA pregnancy drug labeling, and new ACR/EULAR criteria for vasculitis and lupus erythematosus.
    • Includes new sections on confocal microscopy and artificial intelligence.
    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
  • Volume 1 SECTION 1: Overview of Basic Science 0 Basic Principles of Dermatology 1 Anatomy and Pathophysiology 2 Skin Development and Maintenance 3 Molecular Biology 4 Immunology SECTION 2: Pruritus 5 Cutaneous Neurophysiology 6 Pruritus and Dysesthesia 7 Psychocutaneous Diseases SECTION 3: Papulosquamous and Eczematous Dermatoses 8 Psoriasis 9 Other Papulosquamous Disorders 10 Erythroderma 11 Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Dermatoses 12 Atopic Dermatitis 13 Other Eczematous Eruptions 14 Allergic Contact Dermatitis 15 Irritant Contact Dermatitis 16 Occupational Dermatoses 17 Dermatoses Due to Plants SECTION 4: Urticarias, Erythemas, and Purpuras 18 Urticaria and Angioedema 19 Figurate Erythemas 20 Erythema Multiforme, Stevens–Johnson Syndrome, and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 21 Drug Reactions 22 Purpura: Mechanisms and Differential Diagnosis 23 Cutaneous Manifestations of Microvascular Occlusion Syndromes 24 Cutaneous Vasculitis 25 Neutrophilic Dermatoses 26 Eosinophil-Associated Dermatoses 27 Pregnancy Dermatoses SECTION 5: Vesiculobullous Diseases 28 The Biology of the Basement Membrane 29 Pemphigus 30 Pemphigoid Group 31 Dermatitis Herpetiformis and Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis 32 Epidermolysis Bullosa 33 Other Vesiculobullous Diseases 34 Vesiculopustular and Erosive Disorders in Newborns and Infants SECTION 6: Adnexal Diseases 35 Structure and Function of Eccrine, Apocrine, and Sebaceous Glands 36 Acne Vulgaris 37 Rosacea and Related Disorders 38 Folliculitis, Follicular Occlusion Tetrad, and Other Follicular Disorders 39 Diseases of the Eccrine and Apocrine Sweat Glands SECTION 7: Rheumatologic Dermatology 40 Autoantibodies Encountered in Patients with Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases 41 Lupus Erythematosus 42 Dermatomyositis 43 Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) and Related Disorders 44 Morphea and Lichen Sclerosus 45 Other Rheumatologic Disorders and Autoinflammatory Diseases SECTION 8: Metabolic and Systemic Diseases 46 Mucinoses 47 Amyloidosis 48 Deposition Diseases 49 Porphyria 50 Calcifying and Ossifying Disorders of the Skin 51 Nutritional Diseases 52 Graft-versus-Host Disease 53 Dermatologic Manifestations in Patients with Systemic Disease SECTION 9: Genodermatoses 54 Basic Principles of Genetics 55 Genetic Basis of Cutaneous Diseases 56 Biology of Keratinocytes 57 Ichthyoses, Erythrokeratodermas, and Related Disorders 58 Palmoplantar Keratodermas 59 Darier Disease and Hailey–Hailey Disease 60 Primary Immunodeficiencies 61 Neurofibromatosis and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 62 Mosaicism and Linear Lesions 63 Other Genodermatoses 64 Developmental Anomalies SECTION 10: Pigmentary Disorders 65 Melanocyte Biology 66 Vitiligo and Other Disorders of Hypopigmentation 67 Disorders of Hyperpigmentation SECTION 11: Hair, Nails, and Mucous Membranes 68 Biology of Hair and Nails 69 Alopecias 70 Hypertrichosis and Hirsutism 71 Nail Disorders 72 Oral Diseases 73 Anogenital (Non-venereal) Diseases 73Index to Volumes One and Two I-1 Volume 2 SECTION 12: Infections, Infestations, and Bites 74 Bacterial Diseases 75 Mycobacterial Infections 76 Rickettsial Diseases 77 Fungal Diseases 78 Cutaneous Manifestations of HIV Infection 79 Human Papillomaviruses 80 Human Herpesviruses 81 Other Viral Diseases 82 Sexually Transmitted Infections 83 Protozoa and Worms 84 Infestations 85 Bites and Stings SECTION 13: Disorders Due to Physical Agents 86 Ultraviolet Radiation 87 Photodermatologic Disorders 88 Environmental and Sports-Related Skin Diseases 89 Signs of Substance Use Disorder 90 Skin Signs of Abuse SECTION 14: Disorders of Langerhans Cells and Macrophages 91 Histiocytoses 92 Xanthomas 93 Non-infectious Granulomas 94 Foreign Body Reactions SECTION 15: Atrophies and Disorders of Dermal Connective Tissues 95 Biology of the Extracellular Matrix 96 Perforating Diseases 97 Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue 98 Dermal Hypertrophies 99 Atrophies of Connective Tissue SECTION 16: Disorders of Subcutaneous Fat 100 Panniculitis 101 Lipodystrophies SECTION 17: Vascular Disorders 102 Vascular Biology 103 Infantile Hemangiomas 104 Vascular Malformations 105 Ulcers 106 Other Vascular Disorders SECTION 18: Neoplasms of the Skin 107 Principles of Cutaneous Tumor Biology 108 Actinic Keratosis, Basal Cell Carcinoma, and Squamous Cell Carcinoma 109 Benign Epidermal Tumors and Proliferations 110 Cysts 111 Adnexal Neoplasms 112 Benign Melanocytic Neoplasms and Melanotic Lesions 113 Melanoma 114 Vascular Neoplasms and Neoplastic-Like Proliferations 115 Neural and Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (Other than Neurofibromatosis) 116 Fibroblastic, Myofibroblastic and “Fibrohistiocytic” Proliferations and Neoplasms of the Skin 117 Smooth Muscle, Adipose, and Cartilage Neoplasms 118 Mastocytosis 119 B Cell Lymphomas of the Skin 120 Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma 121 Other Lymphoproliferative and Myeloproliferative Diseases 122 Cutaneous Metastases SECTION 19: Medical Therapy 123 Public Health and Dermatology 124-1 Skin Barrier 124-2 Transdermal and Topical Drug Delivery 125 Glucocorticoids 126 Retinoids 127 Antimicrobial Drugs 128 Systemic Immunomodulators 129 Other Topical Medications 130 Other Systemic Drugs 131 Drug Interactions 132 Sunscreens and Photoprotection 133 Complementary and Alternative Medicine SECTION 20: Physical Treatment Modalities 134 Ultraviolet Therapy 135 Photodynamic Therapy 136 Lasers and Other Energy-Based Technologies – Principles and Skin Interactions 137 Lasers and Other Energy-Based Therapies 138 Cryosurgery 139 Radiotherapy 140 Electrosurgery SECTION 21: Surgery 141 Biology of Wound Healing 142 Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck 143 Anesthesia 144 Wound Closure Materials and Instruments 145 Dressings 146 Biopsy Techniques and Basic Excisions 147 Flaps 148 Grafts 149 Nail Surgery 150 Mohs Micrographic Surgery 151 Surgical Complications and Optimizing Outcomes SECTION 22: Cosmetic Surgery 152 Evaluation of Beauty and the Aging Face 153 Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals 154 Chemical and Mechanical Skin Resurfacing 155 Phlebology and Treatment of Leg Veins 156 Body Contouring: Liposuction and Non-invasive Modalities 157 Hair Restoration 158 Injectable Soft Tissue Augmentation 159 Botulinum Toxin Index to Volumes One and Two

  • Jean L. Bolognia, MD, Professor of Dermatology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA, Julie V. Schaffer, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Dermatology, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, Hackensack, NJ, USA and Lorenzo Cerroni, MD, Associate Professor of Dermatology, Director Dermatopathology Unit, Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria
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