Crash Course Endocrinology Updated Edition: Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

- More than 130 illustrations present clinical, diagnostic and practical information in an easy-to-follow manner
- Friendly and accessible approach to the subject makes learning especially easy
- Written by students for students - authors who understand exam pressures
- Contains ‘Hints and Tips’ boxes, and other useful aide-mémoires
- Succinct coverage of the subject enables ‘sharp focus’ and efficient use of time during exam preparation
- Contains a fully updated self-assessment section - ideal for honing exam skills and self-testing
- Self-assessment section fully updated to reflect current exam requirements
- Contains ‘common exam pitfalls’ as advised by faculty
- Crash Courses also available electronically!
- Online self-assessment bank also available - content edited by Dan Horton-Szar!
1 Overview of the endocrine system
2. The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland
3. The thyroid gland
4. The adrenal glands
5. The pancreas
6. Up and coming hormones
7. Endocrine control of fluid balance
8. Endocrine control of calcium homeostasis
9. Endocrine control of growth
10. Endocrine disorders of neoplastic origin
11. Hormones of the reproductive system
Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs)
Extended Matching Questions (EMQs)
SAQ Answers
EMQ Answers