Mastering Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition

- Simple, non-technical explanations of medical terms
- Explanations of clinical procedures, laboratory tests and abbreviations used in Australian and New Zealand clinical practice
- Pronunciation of terms
- Exercises to test your understanding of terminology – crosswords, anagrams, multiple-choice questions, match the column, fill in the blank, label the diagram, analyse and interpret medical documents and word-building exercises
- Comprehensive glossaries of word elements and medical terms
- A list of commonly used clinical abbreviations
- Links to other useful references such as websites and textbooks
- An e-book included in all print purchases
Additional resources on Evolve
- An eBook on VitalSource
Instructor resources:
- PowerPoint slides
- Semester Planner
- Lesson plan
- Testbank
- Image library
Student and instructor resources:
- Flashcards
- MCQ’s
- Audio Glossary
- New Evolve resources including flashcards and multiple-choice questions
- Audio glossary – practise pronouncing more than 2,500 medical terms with the new ‘hear, say and playback’ option on Evolve
1. Basic Word Structure
2. Building a medical vocabulary
3. The human body
4. Musculoskeletal system
5. Integumentary system
6. Haematology
7. Lymphatic and immune systems
8. Endocrine system
9. Cardiovascular system
10. Respiratory system
11. Digestive system
12. Nervous system
13. The senses
14. Urinary system
15. Male reproductive system
16. Female reproductive system
17. Obstetrics and neonatology
18. Mental health
19. Oncology
20. Infectious and parasitic diseases
21. Radiology and nuclear medicine
22. Pharmacology
23. Complementary and alternative therapies
24. Public health, epidemiology and research terms