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cover image - Talley and O'Connor's Clinical OSCEs,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780729544061
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-27-2022
Page Count: 606
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $56.99

Talley and O'Connor's Clinical OSCEs, 1st Edition

by Nicholas J. Talley, MD (NSW), PhD (Syd), MMedSci (Clin Epi)(Newc.), FAHMS, FRACP, FAFPHM, FRCP, FACP and Simon O’Connor, FRACP DDU FCSANZ


cover image - Talley and O'Connor's Clinical OSCEs,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780729544061
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-27-2022
Page Count: 606
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $56.99
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    • 102 stations graded as Early – Mid, Intermediate and Final clinical years
    • Marking criteria boxes and examiners’ likely questions to help you prepare
    • Tips and hints on presenting your findings to the examiners
    • Detailed method explanation to aid understanding
    • Colour clinical photos and graphics to support deep learning
    • An eBook included in all print purchases
  • Chapter 1. An introduction to short cases and Observed Structured Clinical Examinations – OSCEs Frequently asked questions

    Chapter 2. Early to mid-clinical years Station 1. History - chest pain and dyspnoea Station 2. Take a history – abdominal pain Station 3. Take a history – headache Station 4. Wash hands and scrub for theatre Station 5. Take the pulse and blood pressure (add pulses) Station 6. Examine the fingernails Station 7. Examine a lump Station 8. Examine a body system (cardiovascular) (case 16 – expand) Station 9. Examine a body system (respiratory) Station 10. Examine a body system (abdomen) Station 11. Examine a body system (upper cranial nerves) Station 12. Examine a body system (lower cranial nerves) Station 13. Examine a body system (arms neurologically) Station 14 Examine a body system (legs neurologically) Station 15. Examine the neck (thyroid) Present your findings Examiners’ likely questions Station 16. Examine the neck lymph nodes Station 17. Basic cardiac life support

    Chapter 3. Intermediate clinical years Station 18. Cardiovascular risk factors history Station 19. Obesity history Station 20. Obesity examination Station 21.   Cardiac disease examination Station 22.   Examine a patient with hypertension Station 23.  Assess a patient with recent myocardial infarction Station 24. Peripheral oedema Station 25.  Perform an Electrocardiogram ECG Station 26. Assess a chronic cough Station 27. History in a patient with breathlessness Station 28. Examination of a patient with breathlessness Station 29. Examine a patient with haemoptysis Station 30. Take an occupational lung history Station 31. Advise on smoking cessation Station 32. Examination of jaundice Station 33. Liver failure Station 34. Alcohol cessation Station 35. Abdominal pain, diarrhoea and bloating Station 36. Perform a rectal examination Station 37. Take a history of inflammatory bowel disease Station 38. Inguinal or femoral hernia Station 39.  Polycystic kidneys Station 40. Lymphoma Station 41. Rheumatoid arthritis chronic disease history Station 42. Examine the hands Station 43. Examine the knees Station 44. Examine the feet Station 45. Examine the back Station 46. Take a history from a patient with osteoarthritis Station 47. Examine a patient diagnosed as having osteoarthritis Station 48. Hypothyroidism Station 49. Systemic lupus erythematous history Station 50. SLE examination Station 51. Take a history from a patient with diabetes Station 52. Examine a patient with type I diabetes Station 53. Take a history for suspected osteoporosis Station 54. Acromegaly history Station 55. Acromegaly examination Station 56. Weight gain (suspected Cushing’s syndrome) Station 57. Sudden visual loss Station 58. Sclera and conjunctiva Station 59. Sore throat Station 60. Earache Station 61. History from an older patient Station 62. Examination of an older patient Station 63. A history of falls Station 64.  Examination of a patient with a history of falls Station 65. Mental state examination Station 66. Depression Station 67. Pigmented skin lesion Station 68. Elbow rash Station 69. Rash on the trunk Station 70. Pruritic rash Station 71.  Examine for skin disease Station 72.  Examining a tremor Station 73.  Suspected sexually transmitted disease Station 74.  Breast examination Station 75.  Urinalysis testing Station 76.  Peak flow and Spirometry Station 77.  Cannulation Station 78.  Male catheter insertion

    Chapter 4: Final year Station 79.  Stoma assessment Station 80 Handover of a patient Station 81.    The angry patient Station 82. Breaking bad news Station 83. Cross-cultural communication Station 84. Consenting for a procedure – blood transfusion Station 85. Interpreting an ECG Station 86. Interpreting a chest X ray Station 87.  Arterial blood gas interpretation Station 88.  The septic patient: a rapid assessment Station 89.  Explaining a disease – asthma Station 90.  Advanced cardiac life support Station 91.  Atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation Station 92.  Heart transplant Station 93. Low back pain Station 94. Multiple sclerosis Station 95. HIV History Taking Station 96.  Pre-operative assessment history Station 97.  Pre-operative assessment examination Station 98.  Opioid prescription Station 99. A colleague is reported to be drinking excessively Station 100.  Completing a do not resuscitate order Station 101. Confirmation of death Station 102. Explaining a disease – type II diabetes

  • Nicholas J. Talley, MD (NSW), PhD (Syd), MMedSci (Clin Epi)(Newc.), FAHMS, FRACP, FAFPHM, FRCP, FACP, AC, MD, PhD, FRACP, FAFPHM, FRCP (Lond.), FRCP (Edin.), FACP, FAHMS Laureate Professor, University of Newcastle and Senior Staff Specialist, John Hunter Hospital, NSW, Australia and Simon O’Connor, FRACP DDU FCSANZ, FRACP, DDU, FCSANZ Cardiologist, Canberra Hospital, Canberra, ACT, Australia
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