Navigating the Maze of Research: Enhancing Nursing and Midwifery Practice 6e, 6th Edition
- Easy to read and follow – ideal for students
- Research terminology and processes clearly explained
- Comprehensive coverage of research and research essentials, and how these can benefit clinical practice
- Hot topics include navigating ethics, research with Indigenous peoples, diversity and inclusion in research, and knowledge translation
- Student experiences and quotes bring the text to life
- Opportunities for practice and revision – a great study aid
- Updated Evolve resources for students and instructors, including ebook
- Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Navigating the Maze of Research included in all print purchases. Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to the core text, the EAQ prepares students for tutorials, lectures and exams, with access to hundreds of exam-style questions
Student and Instructor Resources:
- Additional Student Challenges
- Self-assessment quiz
- Glossary
- Resource kits
Instructor Resources:
- PPT slides
- Test Bank
- Teaching Tips
- Developing evidence-based solutions
- Diversity and inclusion in research
- Research pathways for nurses
1. Introduction to nursing and midwifery research
2. Finding and using research
3. Conducting and writing a literature review
4. Developing evidence-based solutions
5. Reading and appraising research
6. Navigating ethics
7. Quantitative research
8. Qualitative research
9. Mixed methods research
10. Research with indigenous peoples
11. Diversity and inclusion in research
12. Knowledge translation of research findings: challenges and strategies
13. Developing a research career in nursing and midwifery
14. Bringing it all together: applying the research process