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cover image - The Junior Doctor Survival Guide - E-Book,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780729584975
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 05-23-2017
Page Count: 700
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $40.99

The Junior Doctor Survival Guide - E-Book, 1st Edition

by Paul Watson and Joseph O'Brien

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - The Junior Doctor Survival Guide - E-Book,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780729584975
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 05-23-2017
Page Count: 700
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $40.99
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    • Scenario boxes – how difficult conversations should be approached
    • Common medications – quick reference tables of common medications and dosages
    • Clinical abbreviations and acronyms – a comprehensive list of common abbreviations and acronyms used throughout clinical settings
  • Section I: General information Chapter 1: Welcome to medical practice Chapter 2: The junior doctor Chapter 3: Careers Chapter 4: Professionalism Chapter 5: Communication Chapter 6: Teaching and education Chapter 7: Representation of Junior Doctors Chapter 8: Finances

    Section II: Initial Assessments Chapter 9: The emergency department Chapter 10: Critical care assessments Chapter 11: Initial assessment of patients: history and examination Chapter 12: Investigations: serology Chapter 13: Investigations: other pathology Chapter 14: Investigations: imaging Chapter 15: Making referrals Chapter 16: Admissions Chapter 17: Clinical procedures Chapter 18: The patient with mental illness Chapter 19: Forensic medicine Chapter 20: Notifiable diseases

    Section III: The Ward Chapter 21: The inpatient ward Chapter 22: Ward rounds Chapter 23: Inpatient prescribing Chapter 24: Managing fluids and infusions Chapter 26: The dying patient Chapter 27: The deceased patient Chapter 28: The preoperative patient Chapter 29: The operating theatre Chapter 30: The postoperative patient Chapter 31: Inpatient discharges Chapter 32: Allied health and clinical support staff Chapter 33: Unit meetings

    Section IV: Medical and surgical specialties Chapter 34: General medicine Chapter 35: Cardiology Chapter 36: Respiratory medicine Chapter 37: Gastroenterology Chapter 38: Renal medicine Chapter 39: Endocrinology Chapter 40: Neurology Chapter 41: Infectious Diseases Chapter 42: Medical oncology Chapter 43: Haematology Chapter 44: Rheumatology Chapter 45: General Surgery Chapter 46: Orthopaedic Surgery Chapter 47: Vascular Surgery Chapter 48: Cardiothoracic Surgery Chapter 49: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) and head and neck surgery Chapter 50: Neurosurgery Chapter 51: Plastic and reconstructive surgery Chapter 52: Urology

    Section V: Outpatients Chapter 53: Pre-admission clinic Chapter 54: Informed Consent Chapter 55: Medical outpatient clinics Chapter 56: Cardiology outpatients Chapter 57: Respiratory outpatients Chapter 58: Gastroenterology outpatients Chapter 59: Renal outpatients Chapter 60: Endocrine outpatients Chapter 61: Neurology outpatients Chapter 62: Medical oncology outpatients Chapter 63: Haematology outpatients Chapter 64: Rheumatology outpatients Chapter 65: Surgical clinics Chapter 66: General Surgery outpatients Chapter 67: Orthopaedic outpatients Chapter 68: Vascular outpatients Chapter 69: Cardiothoracic outpatients Chapter 70: Ear, nose and throat and head and neck outpatients Chapter 71: Neurosurgery outpatients Chapter 72: Plastic and reconstructive surgery outpatients Chapter 73: Urology outpatients

    Section VI: Appendices Appendix I: Common Medications Appendix II: Normal Lab values Appendix III: Microbiology Appendix IV: Antibiotics

  • Paul Watson and Joseph O'Brien
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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