Community Health and Wellness - E-Book, 6th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

- Ancillary resources and eBook available on Evolve
- Focus on primary health care across the lifespan, with an emphasis on health literacy and health promotion
- Chapter features include reflective practice and care planning for individuals, families and communities, case studies, interventions and evaluation
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eBook on VitalSource
Instructor resources:
- Critical Thinking Questions and Answers
- Image Collection
- PowerPoints
- Tutorial Activities
Student and Instructor resources:
- Weblinks
- Online Care Plans
- Online Material
- Greater emphasis on nurses and other health practitioners working in partnership with people and communities
- Updated local case studies to support the practical application of knowledge to practice
- Additional signposted sources of knowledge online to promote engagement and further enquiry
- Comprehensive coverage on community assessment including a new community assessment framework
- Condensed and restructured table of contents
- New information on the importance of the early years including preconception
- New section on project planning to achieve community wellness
- Now includes an eBook with all print purchases
Section 1: Principles of primary health care
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of creating and maintaining a health community
Chapter 2: Healthy policies for healthy communities
Chapter 3: Communities of place
Section 2: Primary health care in practice
Chapter 4: Primary health care in practice
Chapter 5: Assessing the community
Chapter 6: Planning for intervention
Section 3: Health and Wellness Throughout the Lifespan
Chapter 7: The early years
Chapter 8: Transitions to adulthood and beyond
Section 4: Evidence to support primary health care
Chapter 9: Inclusive communities
Chapter 10: Inclusive research