Bioethics - Elsevier ebook on VitalSource, 7th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

- Coverage of the moral terrain of everyday practice, including:
- Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
- End-of-life care, directives and legislation
- Moral disengagement
- Prejudice, discrimination and vulnerable populations
- Elder abuse and child abuse
- Future nursing ethics challenges
- Case scenarios and critical questions to encourage reflection on key issues in practice
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eBook on VitalSource
1.Professional standards and the requirement to be ethical
2.Ethics, bioethics and nursing ethics: some working definitions
3.Moral theory and the ethical practice of nursing
4.Cross cultural ethics and the ethical practice of nursing
5.Moral problems and moral decision-making in nursing and health care contexts
6.Ethics, dehumanisation and vulnerable populations
7.Patients’ rights to and in health care
8.Ethical issues in mental health care
9.Ethical issues in end-of-life care
10.The moral politics of abortion and euthanasia
11.Professional judgment, moral quandaries and taking ‘appropriate action’
12.Professional obligations to report harmful behaviours: risks to patient safety, child abuse and elder abuse
13.Nursing ethics futures – challenges in the 21st century