Perioperative Nursing - E-Book, 3rd Edition
by Sally Sutherland-Fraser, RN, Cert IV TAE, Bed (Adult Ed), GradCert (Periop Nsg), MEd, MACN, FACORN, Menna Davies, RN, Cert (Sterilising Tech), GradCert (Periop Nsg), GradDip (Hlth Law), MHlthSc (Nsg), FACN, FACORN, Brigid M. Gillespie, RN, PhD, FACORN and Benjamin Lockwood, RN, Cert IV TAE, BNg (Hons), MACORN
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
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- Local and international contributors provide wide and diverse expertise on contemporary perioperative practice, research, and standards.
- Learning objectives, critical thinking exercises and research boxes connect nursing theory to nursing practice
- Key concepts and scope of practice across a range of perioperative environments
- Full colour illustrations
- Aligned to the 2020 ACORN Standards
- Engaging patient scenarios woven through the text, include patient histories and indications for surgery
- Information on managing surgery during pandemics, including COVID 19
- Details of the extended roles available in perioperative practice
1. Perioperative Nursing
2. Human Factors and the Perioperative Team
3. Medico-legal aspects of Perioperative nursing practice
4. Perioperative patient quality and safety
5. The Perioperative Environment and Staff Safety
6. Asepsis, infection prevention and Sterilisation
7. Patient Assessment and Preparation for Surgery
8. Patient Care during anaesthesia
9. Intraoperative patient care
10. Surgical intervention
11. Wound healing, haemostasis and wound closure
12. Postanaesthesia nursing care
13. Perioperative practice in non-traditional environments
Sally Sutherland-Fraser, RN, Cert IV TAE, Bed (Adult Ed), GradCert (Periop Nsg), MEd, MACN, FACORN, Education Consultant, New South Wales, Australia, Menna Davies, RN, Cert (Sterilising Tech), GradCert (Periop Nsg), GradDip (Hlth Law), MHlthSc (Nsg), FACN, FACORN, Education Consultant, New South Wales, Australia, Brigid M. Gillespie, RN, PhD, FACORN, Professor of Patient Safety, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, QLD, Australia and Benjamin Lockwood, RN, Cert IV TAE, BNg (Hons), MACORN, Perioperative Nurse Educator, South Australian Local Health Network (SALHN)Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research (CNMER)Division of Surgical and Perioperative Medicine (SAPOM)Operating Theatre Suite Flinders Medical Centre Adelaide, SA, Australia