Mental Health A Pocket Guide – VST, 4th Edition
by Debra O’Kane, RMN, ENB603, Grad Dip CN, MN, Grad Cert Ed (Higher Ed)
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
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- Practical strategies for commonly encountered situations
- Easy to access information presented in bullet point and table format
- A recovery and person-centred care approach throughout
- Case studies
- Guidance on medications, assessment tools and terminology
- Increased consumer focus
- New chapter on trauma-informed practice and care
- New focus on loss and grief (including loss of employment, relationships, COVID and climate-related events)
- Increased focus on self-care, self-awareness and support strategies
- Greater emphasis on cultural awareness and working across the lifespan
1. Mental Health: Every Health Professional’s Business
2. Working in a Recovery Framework
3. Essentials for Mental Health Practice
4. An Overview of Mental Health Problems
5. Mental Health Assessment
6. Assessing Risk
7. Behaviours of Concern
8. Mental Health Talking-Based Therapies
9. Managing Medications
10. Culture and Mental Health
11. Co-occurring Medical Problems
12. Loss and Grief
13. Law and Ethics
14. Settings for Mental Health Care
Appendix 1 Surviving Clinical Placement
Appendix 2 Who Does What in Mental Health?
Appendix 3 Abbreviations in Medication Administration
Appendix 4 Supporting People with Mental Illness taking Medication
Further Reading and Resources
Debra O’Kane, RMN, ENB603, Grad Dip CN, MN, Grad Cert Ed (Higher Ed), Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator Bachelor of Nursing,
College of Nursing and Health Sciences,
Flinders University,
Adelaide, South Australia