Evolve Resources for Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing - Australian Version, 5th Edition
by Geraldine Rebeiro, RN, Midwife, B.AppSci (Adv Nsng), B.Ed Studs, M.Ed, PhD, MACN, Clint Douglas, RN, BN, MClinEpi, MMedStat, PhD, FACN, Donna Waters, RN, Paed Cert, BA, MPH, PhD, FACN and Jackie Crisp, RN, PhD
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Newer Edition Available
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780729597333
Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, 5e continues to set the standard as the leading fundamentals text for Australian and New Zealand nursing students.
The updated 5th edition includes access to the following additional resources:
eBook on VitalSource
Resources for Instructors
- Testbank
- Critical Reflection Points and answers
- Image collection
- Tables and boxes collection
Resources for Students and Instructors
- Essentials of Care chapter
- 37 Clinical Skills videos (including 10 NEW)
- Clinical Cases: Fundamentals of Nursing Case Studies
- Weblinks
Geraldine Rebeiro, RN, Midwife, B.AppSci (Adv Nsng), B.Ed Studs, M.Ed, PhD, MACN, Associate National Course Coordinator - Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Business Administration, Senior Lecturer (Melbourne) School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine (Vic) ACU, Melbourne, Clint Douglas, RN, BN, MClinEpi, MMedStat, PhD, FACN, Professor and Nursing Chair, Faculty of Health QUT School of Nursing & Metro North Hospital and Health Service, QLD, Donna Waters, RN, Paed Cert, BA, MPH, PhD, FACN, Professor, Sydney Nursing School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney and Jackie Crisp, RN, PhD, Consultant – Leadership and Culture Change in Healthcare, Sydney, NSW
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