Evolve Resources for Healthcare-Associated Infections in Australia, 1st Edition
by Ramon Z. Shaban, BSc(Med), BN, GradCertInfCon, PGDipPH&TM, MEd, MCommHealthPrac(Hons1), PhD, RN, FCENA, FACN, FACIPC, CICP-E, Brett G. Mitchell, BN, DipTropN, CertHealthM, GradCertTeachSuper, MAdvPrac, PhD, RN, CICP-E, FACN, FACIPC, Philip Russo, BN, MClinEpid, PhD, RN, CICP-E, MACN, FACICPC and Deborough Macbeth, BN, MAAppEthics, PhD, RN, CICP-E, PSM
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Ramon Z. Shaban, BSc(Med), BN, GradCertInfCon, PGDipPH&TM, MEd, MCommHealthPrac(Hons1), PhD, RN, FCENA, FACN, FACIPC, CICP-E, Clinical Chair of Communicable Diseases Control and Infection Prevention, Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute and Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia, Brett G. Mitchell, BN, DipTropN, CertHealthM, GradCertTeachSuper, MAdvPrac, PhD, RN, CICP-E, FACN, FACIPC, Professor of Nursing and Health Services Research, School of Nursing and Health, Avondale University, Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia, Philip Russo, BN, MClinEpid, PhD, RN, CICP-E, MACN, FACICPC, Professor of Nursing and Director of Research, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and Deborough Macbeth, BN, MAAppEthics, PhD, RN, CICP-E, PSM, Assistant Director of Nursing (Infection Control), Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service, Southport, Queensland, Australia
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