Evolve Resources for Midwifery Preparation for Practice, 5th Edition
by Sally Pairman, MNZM, D.Mid, MA, BA, RM, RGON., Sally K. Tracy, DMID MA BNURS AdvDipMid RM RGON, Hannah Dahlen, BN, GradCert (Mid-Pharm), MCommN,PhD, RN, RM, FACM and Lesley Dixon, PHD, RM
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Sally Pairman, MNZM, D.Mid, MA, BA, RM, RGON., Chief Executive, International Confederation of Midwives, The Hague, The Netherlands, Sally K. Tracy, DMID MA BNURS AdvDipMid RM RGON, Professor of Midwifery Research, Sydney University; Conjoint Professor, School of Women’s and Children’s Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, Australia., Hannah Dahlen, BN, GradCert (Mid-Pharm), MCommN,PhD, RN, RM, FACM, Professor of Midwifery and Higher Degree Research Director, Western Sydney University, Sydney, NSW, Australia. and Lesley Dixon, PHD, RM, Midwifery Advisor, New Zealand College of Midwives,Christchurch, Aotearoa, New Zealand.
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