Jarvis's Health Assessment and Physical Examination - E-Book VBK, 4th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
Ideal for pre-registration course students, beginning and experienced registered nurses and those undertaking advanced practice roles
Clearly separates knowledge and skills for nurses at a beginning level and those who have clinical experience, making it easy for teachers and students to identify content relevant to their level of learning
Includes case studies to illustrate the initial parts of the clinical reasoning process and documentation of health assessments
Easy to navigate, with a clear structure and colour-coding
Extensive use of illustrations to clarify important anatomical and physiological concepts
Accompanying resources include videos showcasing physical examination skills, PowerPoints and summative MCQ test banks
A focus on person-centred care, health education, inclusive practice and lifespan considerations is embedded throughout
New to this edition
- Fully updated, reflecting current practice and guidelines in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
Restructured content to support learning
Significant revisions of chapters on screening for family violence and substance misuse
Revisions of chapters on communication skills
Further development of approaches to gender diversity and inclusion
Instructor resources on Evolve
Image collection
Test banks
Student and instructor resources on Evolve
- Skills videos
UNIT 1 Approaches and contexts of health assessment in nursing
Chapter 1 The context and frameworks of health assessment
What is health assessment?
What is health?
What is nursing?
Quality and safety in health care
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Assessment approaches for different situations
Frameworks for assessment
Chapter 2 Clinical decision making
Critical thinking and clinical decision making
Clinical reasoning and documentation
Developing your clinical reasoning skills
Chapter 3 Developmental tasks across the life span
Infancy (birth to 1 year)
Early childhood—toddler (1 to 3 years)
Early childhood—preschooler (3 to 5 or 6 years)
Middle childhood—school-aged child (6 to 10 or 11 years)
Preadolescence (10 or 11 to 12 or 13 years)
Adolescence (12 or 13 to 19 years)
Early adulthood (20 to 40 years)
Middle adulthood (40 to 65 years)
Late adulthood (65_ years)
Cultural and social considerations
Developmental screening tools
Chapter 4 Cultural safety
Australia: colonisation and the current population context
Aotearoa New Zealand: colonization and the current population context
Culture, ethnicity, race, racism and health
Cultural safety
Cultural competence versus cultural safety
Cultural identity
Ideas about causes of illness and disease
Expression of illness
Australian nursing standards
Aotearoa New Zealand guidelines for cultural safety
Strategies for collaborative assessment
Conclusion: culturally safe nursing
Chapter 5 Screening for family violence
Types of violence
Drivers of family violence
Impact of family violence
Cultural and social considerations
Documenting family violence
Subjective data
Objective data
Chapter 6 Screening for substance misuse
Tobacco use
Alcohol use
Drug misuse
Illicit drug use
Developmental considerations
Screening tools
Subjective data
Objective data
UNIT 2 Health assessment tools and techniques
Chapter 7 Person-centred communication in health assessment
The process of communication
Techniques of communication
Developmental considerations
Interviewing people with diverse needs
Cultural and social considerations
Overcoming communication barriers
Chapter 8 The health history
The health history—adults and adults aged 65 years or older
The health history—children
The health history—adolescents
Chapter 9 Physical examination techniques
Preventing healthcare-associated infections
Performing a physical examination
Techniques of a physical examination
Developmental considerations
Chapter 10 General survey and vital signs
Objective data—general survey
Objective data—vital signs
UNIT 3 Assessing mental health, neurological and sensory function
Chapter 11 Mental health assessment
Key concepts and terminology
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Chapter 12 Neurological assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
Chapter 13 Pain assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Pain assessment tools
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Chapter 14 Eye assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
Chapter 15 Ear assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
UNIT 4 Assessing cardiovascular function
Chapter 16 Peripheral vascular assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
Chapter 17 Cardiac assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
UNIT 5 Assessing respiratory function
Chapter 18 Upper airways assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings—advanced practice
Chapter 19 Lower airways assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Further objective assessment for advanced practice
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
UNIT 6 Assessing musculoskeletal function
Chapter 20 Musculoskeletal assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced practice
UNIT 7 Assessing nutrition and metabolic function
Chapter 21 Nutritional and metabolic assessment
Structure and function
Developmental considerations
Cultural and social considerations
Subjective data
Objective data
Abnormal findings
Advanced practice—additional data
Abnormal findings for advanced