cover image - Pharmacology in Midwifery - E-Book VBK, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780729598330
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 09-30-2024
Page Count: 456
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $47.99

Pharmacology in Midwifery - E-Book VBK, 1st Edition

by Roslyn Donnellan - Fernandez, PhD, RM, RN, IBCLC MNg (Women’s Health), Grad Cert MID (Pharm), BN, Maryam Bazargan, RM, MSc Medical (Human) Physiology, PhD, Clare Davison, RM, RN, PG Diploma (Midwifery), MPhil, PhD, Michelle Gray, PhD, Mast Professional Learning, PGDE, BSC(Hons) Midwifery, RM, RN, SFHEA and Kirsten Small, BMedSc, MBBS, MReproMed, GradDipHlthRes, PhD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Pharmacology in Midwifery - E-Book VBK, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780729598330
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 09-30-2024
Page Count: 456
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $47.99
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    • Relevant for midwifery students and midwives in Australia and New Zealand
    • Draws on trusted content from the highly respected Pharmacology for Health Professionals (Knights et al)

    • Covers pharmacological considerations across pregnancy, labour, birth, the postpartum period and neonatal care

    • Case studies and accompanying review questions in each chapter relate theory to real life

    • Supports midwives to refine and apply critical thinking, clinical judgement and decision-making skills

    • Covers adverse drug reactions and interactions

    • Includes pharmacological considerations for women with complex needs throughout the childbearing continuum, such as diabetes, thyroid, mental health, epilepsy, drugs of addiction and substance dependence

    • Aligns with ANMAC Standards, National Prescribing Framework and NSQHSS

    • An eBook is included in all print purchases

    Student and Instructor resources on Evolve:

    • Additional case studies

  • Part 1: Introduction to Pharmacology

    1. Drugs and Medicines

    2. Clinical, Ethical and Legal Foundations of Pharmacotherapy

    Part 2: Principles of Pharmacology

    3. Molecular Drug targets and Pharmacodynamics

    4. Drug Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion

    5. Pharmacokinetics and Dosing Regimen

    6. Adverse Drug Reactions and Drug interactions

    Part 3: Pharmacology across the childbearing continuum

    7. Pregnancy

    8. Labour and Birth

    9. Post Partum

    10. Newborn and Lactation

    11. Vaccination

    Part 4: Pharmacology for special considerations

    12. Infection & Sepsis

    13. Diabetes

    14. Thyroid

    15. Hypertension

    16. Blood and blood clotting

    17. Pre term labour

    18. Asthma

    19. Mental health

    20. Epilepsy

    21. Drugs of addiction/substance dependence

    22. Role of the Midwife

  • Roslyn Donnellan - Fernandez, PhD, RM, RN, IBCLC MNg (Women’s Health), Grad Cert MID (Pharm), BN, Community Midwife, Senior Lecturer and Director Postgraduate Primary Maternity Care Programs, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, Maryam Bazargan, RM, MSc Medical (Human) Physiology, PhD, Senior Lecturer – Midwifery, Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, Bruce, ACT, Australia, Clare Davison, RM, RN, PG Diploma (Midwifery), MPhil, PhD, Endorsed Midwife in Private Practice and Midwifery Academic, Roleystone, WA, Australia, Michelle Gray, PhD, Mast Professional Learning, PGDE, BSC(Hons) Midwifery, RM, RN, SFHEA, Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia and Kirsten Small, BMedSc, MBBS, MReproMed, GradDipHlthRes, PhD, Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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