cover image - Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners - E-Book VBK, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780729598804
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 08-20-2024
Page Count: 274
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $47.99

Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners - E-Book VBK, 2nd Edition

by Sonia Allan, OAM CF, LLB (Hons), BA(Hons), MPH (Merit), LLM (Dist), PhD, GDLP GCHE

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners - E-Book VBK, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780729598804
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 08-20-2024
Page Count: 274
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $47.99
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    • Makes dry legal and ethical content interesting and easy to follow – accessible for all students and health practitioners.

    • Clear and succinct explanations of current laws, ethical principles and theories make learning and application to practice easy.

    • Explores hot topics such as consent, child and elder abuse, end-of-life decision making, management of health information, mental health legislation, negligence, tissue and organ donation, the regulation of drugs and poisons, and more.

    • Provides practical information about working with legal representatives.

    • Applied case examples link theory to clinical practice.

    • Suitable for students and practitioners of a wide variety of health disciplines.

    • Written by an expert in health law with contributions from health practitioners who provide practical insight into issues faced in diverse areas of clinical practice.

    New to this edition

    • Fully updated throughout

    • Additional coverage of how the law and ethics interact, ethical theories, decision making, leadership and self-care, now discussed across three chapters

    • Ethical considerations embedded throughout legal chapters where appropriate to further consolidate how the law and ethics may interact

    • New and expanded coverage and guidance to assist health practitioners who must work with legal representatives, and appear in court

    • A new chapter on alternative dispute resolution and tribunals

    Instructor resources on Evolve:

    • PowerPoints

    Student and Instructor resources on Evolve:

    • MCQs

    • Weblinks

    • Image library

  • Section 1: Introduction to Law for Health Practitioners

    1. Introduction to the Australian legal system

    2. Introduction to the Australian health system

    3. The Regulation of Health Practitioners

    Section 2: Introduction to Ethics for Health Practitioners

    4. Introduction to ethics and key ethical frameworks

    5. Key Components of Ethical Reasoning and Decision Making

    6. Contemporary Ethical Issues in Health Care, Collaboration, Leadership and Self Care

    Section 3: Professional Regulation and Key Concepts Relevant to Healthcare Delivery

    7. Management of health information

    8. Negligence

    9. Civil Liability for ‘Trespass to Person’ and ‘Defamation’

    10. Criminal Law and Issues related to Health Care

    Section 4: Matters of Life and Death

    11. Registration of Births and Deaths and the Coroners Court

    12. Abortion, Wrongful Birth, Wrongful Life and Pre-Natal Injury

    13. Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy

    14. Advance Care Planning and End of Life Decision Making

    Section 5: Further Practice Considerations

    15. The removal and donation of human blood, tissue, and organs

    16. The regulation of drugs and poisons

    17. Mental Health Law and Ethics

    18. Child and elder abuse

    Section 6: Law and Ethics in Action

    19. Working with legal representatives

    20. Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration

    21. Case studies: Guided application of legal and ethical principles

  • Sonia Allan, OAM CF, LLB (Hons), BA(Hons), MPH (Merit), LLM (Dist), PhD, GDLP GCHE, Professor of Law, School of Law, University of New England, NSW, Australia
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