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cover image - Optical Formulas Tutorial,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780750675048
Copyright: 2005
Publication Date: 08-25-2005
Page Count: 264
Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
List Price: $89.95

Optical Formulas Tutorial, 2nd Edition

by Ellen D. Stoner, ABOM


cover image - Optical Formulas Tutorial,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780750675048
Copyright: 2005
Publication Date: 08-25-2005
Page Count: 264
Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
List Price: $89.95
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    • Features a user-friendly format that facilitates the review process, with practical examples throughout.
    • Provides a convenient review of optical formulas and basic math problems.
    • Begins each chapter with a brief discussion of the topic, then proceeds with exercises and examples; answers are provided at the end of the book.
    • New work-text design allows the reader to complete practice exercises within the book and section being studied.
    • More complex formulas include "how to use the calculator" boxes, and multiple choice review sections have been added to the sections.
    • Advanced exercises such as non-formula exercises are now included throughout.
    • Section I: Math Review
      Signed Numbers
      Significance and Precision
      Sine, Cosine, Tangent
      Scientific Notation
      Section II: Theory of Light
      Properties of waves
      Wave formula
      Properties of Rays
      Absorption, reflection, refraction
      Law of reflection
      Laws of refraction
      Index of refraction
      Snell's law
      Critical angle
      Apparent Depth
      Apparent Thickness
      Lateral Displacement
      Dispersion and Abbé number
      Section III: Lenses
      Refraction through a lens
      Focal length formula
      Lens surfaces
      Lens types
      Radius of curvature
      Surface power formula
      Nominal power formula
      The lensmaker's equation
      Cylinders, compound lenses
      Lens Meridians
      Optical cross
      Flat transposition
      Cross cylinder transposition
      Hand neutralization
      Prescription notation
      Circle of least confusion
      Refractive errors
      Types of Ametropias
      Regular Astigmatisms
      With and Against the Rule Astigmatism
      Power in oblique meridians
      Vertex distance and effective power
      Effective power
      Compensated power
      Back and Front Vertex Power
      Section IV: Prisms
      Prism definitions
      Dispersion of Light by a Prism
      Object Displacement by a Prism
      Prism Power
      Segment Styles
      Section V: Surfacing and Finishing
      Lens and frame measurements
      Boxing System
      Datum System
      Frame Center Distance
      Effective Diameter
      Segment Height and Drop
      Segment Inset and Total Inset
      Minimum blank size
      Base curves
      Toric Transposition
      Refractive Power Formula
      Sagittal depth and lens thickness
      Prism thickness
      Section VI: Advanced Lens Formulas
      Martin's formula for lens tilt
      Spectacle Magnification
      Angular Magnification
      Thompson's formula for obliquely crossed
      Fresnel's equation for reflection
      Anti-reflective coatings
      Transmission through absorptive lenses
      Polarizing filters
      Section VII: Image Formation
      Image size and placement: mirrors
      Image size and placement: thin lenses
      Principal planes
      Image size and placement: thick lenses
      Nodal points
      Diagram of the human eye
      1. Basic Glossary
      2. ANSI Standards: Z80.1-1999
      3. Optical Symbols and Formulas
      4. Trigonometric Tables
      5. Oblique Meridian (sine-squared method) table
      6. References
      7. Answer Key
    • Ellen D. Stoner, ABOM, Former Director of Opticianry Program, Durham Technical Community College, Durham, NC
    Most review copies are eBooks – how fast!
    A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
    Important note
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    Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.
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    This item has low stock levels and may be back-ordered. We'll let you know if it is back-ordered, and you will not be charged until the item ships.