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cover image - Current Therapy In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781416025276
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 09-14-2011
Page Count: 1136
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $204.99

Current Therapy In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1st Edition

by Shahrokh C. Bagheri, BS, DMD, MD, FACS, FICD, R. Bryan Bell, DDS, MD, FACS and Husain Ali Khan, MD, DMD, FACS


cover image - Current Therapy In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781416025276
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 09-14-2011
Page Count: 1136
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $204.99
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Written by expert surgeons and educators, this wide-ranging text covers the latest treatment strategies, surgical techniques, and potential complications in oral and maxillofacial surgery. It emphasizes an evidence-based approach, and covers all 12 subspecialties of OMS, addressing topics from surgical principles to oral surgery, anesthesia, cranio-maxillofacial trauma surgery, head and neck surgery, maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery, pediatric craniofacial surgery including cleft lip and palate, temporomandibular joint disorders, facial plastic surgery including rhinoplasty and facelifts, obstructive sleep apnea, and oral and maxillofacial infections. At the end of each chapter, Pearls and Pitfalls summarize the authors' insight, recommendations, and experience on that subject.

    • More than 1,200 full-color photos and 200 color line drawings illustrate concepts and provide visual guidance in clinical areas.
    • Comprehensive sections and chapters represent essential topics, the newest advances, and controversial topics.
    • Clinical coverage brings together the latest knowledge in OMS in a concise, easy-to-apply way.
    • Resident-specific coverage describes the wide array of subspecialties and treatments available in the armamentarium of the modern OMS.
    • A focus on complications ensures that you are knowledgeable in this important part of any therapy or surgical discipline.
    • Expert contributors include the "best of the best," featuring leading, well-established, and respected surgeons and educators writing on their areas of specialty and providing current treatment strategies.
  • Section 1: Principles

    1. The History of Oral and Maxillfacial Surgery

    2. Wound Healing: Repair Biology and Wound and Scar Treatment

    3. Flap Classification and Principles of Flap Design for Head and Neck Reconstruction

    4. Principles of Repair and Grafting of Bone and Cartilage

    5. Burns of the Head and Neck

    6. Endoscopic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    7. Principles of Microvascular Surgery

    8. Antibiotic Prophylaxis to Prevent Surgical Site Infections in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    9. Tissue Engineering

    10. Molecular Biology of Head and Neck Cancer: Therapeutic Implications

    11. Principles of Distraction Osteogenesis

    12. Principles of Implantology and Osseointegration

    Section 2: Oral Surgery

    13. Management of Asymptomatic Wisdom Teeth: An Evidence-Based Approach

    14. Value of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: Dentistry's Liaisons to Medicine and Hospital Care

    15. Removal of Third Molars

    16. Management of the Impacted Canine

    17. Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage: Temporary Anchorage Device (TAD)

    18. Dental Implant Prosthetic Rehabilitation: Autogenous Bone Grafting for Alveolar Defects

    19. Dental Implant Prosthetic Rehabilitation: Allogenic Grafting/Bone Graft Substitutes in Implant Dentistry

    20. Dental Implant Prosthetic Rehabilitation: Vertical Distraction Ontogenesis

    21. Dental Implant Prosthetic Rehabilitation: Sinus Grafting

    22. Reconstruction of the Atrophic Mandible

    23. Zygoma Implants in the Compromised Maxilla: Their Use in Both Atrophic and Maxillectomy Patients

    24. Efficacy of RhBMP-2 in Association with Dental Implants

    25. Computer Assisted Implant Surgery

    26. Management of the Anti-Coagulated Patient

    27. The Pre-Operative Cardiac Evaluation

    28. Management of the Irradiated Patient

    29. Management of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries

    Section 3: Anesthesia

    30. Outpatient Intravenous Sedation for Oral Surgery

    31. Nonsurgical Management of Facial Pain

    32. The Pharmacology of Ketamine and Its Use in Outpatient Anesthesia

    33. Nerve Damage in Dentistry

    Section 4: Cranio-Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery

    34. The Surgical Airway

    35. Traumatic Epistaxis

    36. Management of Hard Tissue Injuries: Nose

    37. Management of Hard Tissue Injuries: The Mandible

    38. Current Standard of Care For Management of Subcondylar Fractures

    39. Management of Orbital Fractures

    40. Acute Management of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures

    41. Management of Le Fort Fractures

    42. Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid Injuries

    43. Management of Frontal Sinus Fractures

    44. Panfacial Trauma

    45. Management of Avulsive Gun Shot Wounds to the Face

    46. Secondary Reconstruction of Post-Traumatic Maxillo-Mandibular Deformities

    Section 5: Head and Neck Surgery

    47. Evaluation and Management of the Adult Cervical Neck Mass

    48. Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor

    49. Contemporary Treatment of Ameloblastoma

    50. Jaw Cysts, Benign Odontogenic Tumors of the Jaws, and Fibro-Osseous Diseases

    51. Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor

    52. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Epidemiology, Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation, and Staging

    53. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    54. Management of The Neck in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    55. Indications for Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    56. Salivary Gland Tumors: The Parotid Gland

    57. Minor Salivary Gland Tumors

    58. Management of Head and Neck Sarcoma

    59. Osteoradionecrosis

    Section 6: Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery

    60. Mandible Reconstruction

    61. Maxillary Reconstruction

    62. Contemporary Methods in Tongue Reconstruction

    63. Lip Cancer -- Ablative and Reconstructive Surgery

    64. The Temporalis System of Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction: Temporoparietal Fascia and Temporalis Muscle Flaps

    65. Bisphosphonates and Bisphosphonate Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaws

    66. Maxillofacial Reconstruction Using Corticocancellous Bone Grafts

    67. Ear Reconstruction

    68. The Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap in Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery

    69. Radial Forearm Free Flap

    70. Fibula Free Flap and Mandibular Reconstruction

    71. Anterolateral Thigh Flap

    72. Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery Free Flap

    73. Implant Assisted Prosthetic Reconstruction After Tumor Ablation

    Section 7: Orthognathic Surgery

    74. Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation for Orthognathic Surgery

    75. Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy for Surgical Management of Mandibular Deficiency

    76. Maxillary Deficiency

    77. Transverse Plane Discrepancies in Orthognathic Surgery: Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Treatment Response

    78. Mandibular Orthognathic Surgery: Vertical Ramus Osteotomy vs. Sagittal Split Osteotomy

    79. Three-Dimensional Intraoral Maxillo-Mandibular Orthognathic Surgery and Distraction Osteogenesis

    80. Mandibular Asymmetry: Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations

    81. Facial Asymmetry: Condylar Elongation/Hypertrophy

    82. Facial Asymmetry: Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations

    Section 8: Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery

    83. Cleft Lip and Palate: Timing and Approaches to Reconstruction

    84. Presurgical Management with Nasoalveolar Molding of the Infant Born with Cleft Lip and Palate

    85. Primary Cleft Lip Repair

    86. Cleft Lip and Palate: Primary Cleft Palate Repair

    87. Bone Graft Reconstruction of the Cleft Maxilla

    88. Orthognathic Surgery for Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate

    89. Cleft Lip and Palate: Prosthetic Rehabilitation in the Growing Cleft Patient

    90. Nonsyndromic Single Suture Craniosynostosis

    91. Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis

    92. Pediatric Head and Neck Tumors: Benign Lesions

    93. Pediatric Head and Neck Tumors: Malignant

    94. Craniofacial Microsomia

    95. Treacher Collins

    96. Pediatric Cranio-Maxillofacial Trauma: Mandibular Fractures

  • Shahrokh C. Bagheri, BS, DMD, MD, FACS, FICD, Private Practice, Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery, All On Smile, and Eastern Surgical Associates and Consultants; Director of Fellowship in advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Attending Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and immediate past Chief of Division, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, R. Bryan Bell, DDS, MD, FACS, Physician Executive Director, Division of Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology & Cancer Programs, Medical Director, Head and Neck Cancer Program, Providence Cancer Institute-Oregon; Member & Director, Surgical Oncology Research, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute, a division of Providence Cancer Institute and Husain Ali Khan, MD, DMD, FACS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery, Alpharietta, Georgia
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