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cover image - Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781416060697
Copyright: 2011
Publication Date: 11-11-2010
Page Count: 1424
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $223.00

Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse, 2nd Edition

by Michael W. Ross, DVM, DACVS and Sue J. Dyson, MA, VetMB, PhD, DEO, FRCVS


cover image - Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781416060697
Copyright: 2011
Publication Date: 11-11-2010
Page Count: 1424
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $223.00
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Covering many different diagnostic tools, this essential resource explores both traditional treatments and alternative therapies for conditions that can cause gait abnormalities in horses. Broader in scope than any other book of its kind, this edition describes equine sporting activities and specific lameness conditions in major sport horse types, and includes up-to-date information on all imaging modalities. A companion website includes 47 narrated video clips demonstrating common forelimb and hindlimb lameness as well as gait abnormalities.

    • Updated chapters include the most current information on topics such as MRI, foot pain, stem cell therapy, and shock wave treatment.
    • Two new chapters include The Biomechanics of the Equine Limb and its Effect on Lameness and Clinical Use of Stem Cells, Marrow Components, and Other Growth Factors. The chapter on the hock has been expanded substantially, and the section on lameness associated with the foot has been completely rewritten to include state-of-the-art information based on what has been learned from MRI. Many new figures appear throughout the book.
    • A companion website includes 47 narrated video clips of gait abnormalities, including typical common syndromes as well as rarer and atypical manifestations of lameness and neurological dysfunction, with commentary by author/editors Mike Ross and Sue Dyson.
    • References on the companion website are linked to the original abstracts on PubMed.
    • Updated chapters include the most current information on topics such as MRI, foot pain, stem cell therapy, and shock wave treatment.
    • Two new chapters include The Biomechanics of the Equine Limb and its Effect on Lameness and Clinical Use of Stem Cells, Marrow Components, and Other Growth Factors. The chapter on the hock has been expanded substantially, and the section on lameness associated with the foot has been completely rewritten to include state-of-the-art information based on what has been learned from MRI. Many new figures appear throughout the book.
    • A companion website includes 47 narrated video clips of gait abnormalities, including typical common syndromes as well as rarer and atypical manifestations of lameness and neurological dysfunction, with commentary by author/editors Mike Ross and Sue Dyson.
    • References on the companion website are linked to the original abstracts on PubMed.
  • 1. Lameness Examination: Historical Perspective

    2. Lameness in Horses: Basic Facts Before Starting

    3. Anamnesis (History)

    4. Conformation and Lameness

    5. Observation: Symmetry and Posture

    6. Palpation

    7. Movement

    8. Manipulation

    9. Applied Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System

    10. Diagnostic Analgesia

    11. Neurological Examination and Neurological Conditions Causing Gait Deficits

    12. Unexplained Lameness

    13. Assessment of Acute-Onset, Severe Lameness

    14. The Swollen Limb

    15. Radiography and Radiology

    16. Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Equine Limb: Technique

    17. Ultrasonographic Examination of the Joints

    18. Ultrasound and Orthopedic (Non-Articular) Disease

    19. Nuclear Medicine

    20. Computed Tomography

    21. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    22. Gait Analysis for the Quantification of Lameness

    23. Arthroscopic Examination

    24. Tenoscopy and Bursoscopy

    25. Themography: Use in Equine Lameness

    26. Biomechanics of the Equine Limb and Its Effect on Lameness

    27. The Foot and Shoeing

    28. Trauma to the Sole and Wall

    29. Functional Anatomy of the Palmar Aspect of the Foot

    30. Navicular Disease

    31. Fracture of the Navicular Bone and Congenital Bipartite Navicular Bone

    32. Primary Lesions of the Deep Digital Flexor Tendon Within the Hoof Capsule

    33. The Distal Phalanx and Distal Interphalangeal Joint

    34. Laminitis

    35. The Proximal and Middle Phalanges and Proximal Interphalangeal Joint

    36. The Metacarpophalangeal Joint

    37. The Metacarpal Region

    38. The Carpus

    39. The Antebrachium

    40. The Elbow, Brachium, and Shoulder

    41. The Hind Foot and Pastern

    42. The Metatarsophalangeal Joint

    43. The Metatarsal Region

    44. The Tarsus

    45. The Crus

    46. The Stifle

    47. The Thigh

    48. Mechanical and Neurological Lameness in the Forelimbs and Hindlimbs

    49. Diagnosis and Management of Pelvic Fractures in the Thoroughbred Racehorse

    50. Lumbosacral and Pelvic Injuries in Sports and Pleasure Horses

    51. Diagnosis and Management of Sacroiliac Joint Injuries

    52. The Thoracolumbar Spine

    53. The Cervical Spine and Soft Tissues of the Neck

    54. Pathogenesis of Osteochondrosis

    55. The Role of Nutrition in Developmental Orthopedic Disease: Nutritional Management

    56. Diagnosis and Management of Osteochondrosis and Osseous Cyst-like Lesions

    57. Physitis

    58. Angular Limb Deformitis

    59. Flexural Limb Deformity in Foals

    60. Cervical Stenotic Myelopathy

    61. Osteoarthritis

    62. Markers of Osteoarthritis: Implications for Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Pathology and Effects of Therapy

    63. Gene Therapy

    64. Models of Equine Joint Disease

    65. Infectious Arthritis

    66. Non-infectious Arthritis

    67. Joint Conditions

    68. Pathophysiology of Tendon Injury

    69. Superficial Digital Flexor Tendonitis

    70. The Deep Digital Flexor Tendon

    71. Desmitis of the Accessory Ligament of the Deep Digital Flexor Tendon

    72. The Suspensory Apparatus

    73. Clinical Use of Stem Cells, Marrow Components, and Other Growth Factors

    74. Diseases of the Digital Synovial Sheath, Palmar Annular Ligament, and Digital Annular Ligaments

    75. The Carpal Canal and The Carpal Synovial Sheath

    76. The Tarsal Sheath

    77. Extensor Tendon Injury

    78. Curb

    79. Bursae and Other Soft Tissue Swellings

    80. Other Soft Tissue Injuries

    81. Tendon Lacerations

    82. Soft Tissue Injuries of the Pastern

    83. Skeletal Muscle and Lameness

    84. Principles and Practice of Joint Disease Treatment

    85. Analgesia and Hindlimb Lameness

    86. Bandaging, Splinting, and Casting

    87. External Skeletal Fixation

    88. Counterirritation

    89. Cryotherapy

    90. Radiation Therapy

    91. Rest and Rehabilitation

    92. Acupuncture Channel Palpation and Understanding Musculoskeletal Pain

    93. Chiropractic Evaluation and Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders

    94. Physiotherapy Including Therapeutic use of Ultrasound, Lasers, Tens and Electromagnetics

    95. Osteopathic Treatment of the Axial Skeleton of the Horse

    96. Shock Wave Therapy

    97. Poor Performance and Lameness

    98. Experiences Using a High Speed Treadmill to Evaluate Lameness

    99. The Sales Yearling

    100. Pathophysiology and Clinical Diagnosis of Cortical and Subchondral Bone Injury

    101. Biochemical Markers of Bone Cell Activity

    102. Part 1: The Bucked Shin Complex and Surgical Management

    103. The On-the-Track Catastrophe in the Thoroughbred Racehorse

    104. Catastrophic Breakdowns

    105. Track Surfaces and Lameness: Epidemiological Aspects of Racehorse Injury

    106. The North American Thoroughbred

    107. The European Thoroughbred

    108. Standardbreds

    109. Part 1: The European Standardbred

            Part 2: The Australasian Standardbred

    110. The Racing Quarterhorse

    111. The Racing Arabian

    112. The National Hunt Racehorse, Point to Point Horse, and Timber Racing Horse

    113. The Finnish Horse and Other Scandinavian Cold-Blooded Trotters

    114. The Prepurchase Examination of the Performance Horse

    115. The Show Jumper

    116. The Dressage Horse

    117. The Three-day Event Horse

    118. The Endurance Horse

    119. The Polo Pony

    120. The Western and European Performance Horses

    121. Walking Horses

    122. Saddlebreds

    123. The Arabian and Half-Arabian Show Horse

    124. The Driving Horse

    125. Draft Horses

    126. The Pony

    127. Breeding Stallions and Broodmares

    128. The Foal

    129. The Pleasure Riding Horse

  • Michael W. Ross, DVM, DACVS, Professor of Surgery, Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, New Bolton Center, Kennett Square, PA and Sue J. Dyson, MA, VetMB, PhD, DEO, FRCVS, Head of Clinical Orthopaedics, Centre for Equine Studies, Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, Suffolk, England
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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