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cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Musculoskeletal System, Volume 6, Part III - Biology and Systemic Diseases,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781416063797
Copyright: 2013
Publication Date: 03-01-2013
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $105.99

The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Musculoskeletal System, Volume 6, Part III - Biology and Systemic Diseases, 2nd Edition

by Joseph P Iannotti, M.D., Ph.D. and Richard Parker, M.D.


cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Musculoskeletal System, Volume 6, Part III - Biology and Systemic Diseases,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781416063797
Copyright: 2013
Publication Date: 03-01-2013
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $105.99


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Basic Science and Systemic Disease, Part 3 of The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Musculoskeletal System, 2nd Edition, provides a highly visual guide to this body system, from foundational basic science and anatomy to orthopaedics and rheumatology. This spectacularly illustrated volume in the masterwork known as the (CIBA) "Green Books" has been expanded and revised by Dr. Joseph Iannotti, Dr. Richard Parker, and other experts from the Cleveland Clinic to mirror the many exciting advances in musculoskeletal medicine and imaging - offering rich insights into embryology; physiology; metabolic disorders; congenital and development disorders; rheumatic diseases; tumors of musculoskeletal system; injury to musculoskeletal system; soft tissue infections; and fracture complications.

    • Get complete, integrated visual guidance on the musculoskeletal system with thorough, richly illustrated coverage.
    • Quickly understand complex topics thanks to a concise text-atlas format that provides a context bridge between primary and specialized medicine.
    • Clearly visualize how core concepts of anatomy, physiology, and other basic sciences correlate across disciplines.
    • Benefit from matchless Netter illustrations that offer precision, clarity, detail and realism as they provide a visual approach to the clinical presentation and care of the patient.
    • Gain a rich clinical view of embryology; physiology; metabolic disorders; congenital and development disorders; rheumatic diseases; tumors of musculoskeletal system; injury to musculoskeletal system; soft tissue infections; and fracture complications in one comprehensive volume, conveyed through beautiful illustrations as well as up-to-date radiologic and laparoscopic images.
    • Benefit from the expertise of Drs. Joseph Iannotti, Richard Parker, and esteemed colleagues from the Cleveland Clinic, who clarify and expand on the illustrated concepts.
    • Clearly see the connection between basic science and clinical practice with an integrated overview of normal structure and function as it relates to pathologic conditions.
    • See current clinical concepts in orthopaedics and rheumatology captured in classic Netter illustrations, as well as new illustrations created specifically for this volume by artist-physician Carlos Machado, MD, and others working in the Netter style.


    1-1 Amphioxus and Human Embryo at 16

    Days, 2

    1-2 Differentiation of Somites into Myotomes,

    Sclerotomes, and Dermatomes, 3

    1-3 Progressive Stages in Formation of

    Vertebral Column, Dermatomes, and

    Myotomes; Mesenchymal Precartilage

    Primordia of Axial and Appendicular

    Skeletons at 5 Weeks, 4

    1-4 Fate of Body, Costal Process, and Neural

    Arch Components of Vertebral Column,

    With Sites and Time of Appearance of

    Ossification Centers, 5

    1-5 First and Second Cervical Vertebrae at

    Birth; Development of Sternum, 6

    1-6 Early Development of Skull, 7

    1-7 Skeleton of Full-Term Newborn, 8

    1-8 Changes in Position of Limbs Before Birth;

    Precartilage Mesenchymal Cell

    Concentrations of Appendicular Skeleton

    at 6 Weeks, 9

    1-9 Changes in Ventral Dermatome Pattern

    During Limb Development, 10

    1-10 Initial Bone Formation in Mesenchyme;

    Early Stages of Flat Bone Formation, 11

    1-11 Secondary Osteon (Haversian

    System), 12

    1-12 Growth and Ossification of

    Long Bones, 13

    1-13 Growth in Width of a Bone and Osteon

    Remodeling, 14

    1-14 Remodeling: Maintenance of Basic

    Form and Proportions of Bone During

    Growth, 15

    1-15 Development of Three Types of Synovial

    Joints, 16

    1-16 Segmental Distribution of Myotomes in

    Fetus of 6 Weeks; Developing Skeletal

    Muscles at 8 Weeks, 17

    1-17 Development of Skeletal Muscle

    Fibers, 18

    1-18 Cross Sections of Body at 6 to

    7 Weeks, 19

    1-19 Prenatal Development of Perineal

    Musculature, 20

    1-20 Origins and Innervations of Pharyngeal

    Arch and Somite Myotome Muscles, 21

    1-21 Branchiomeric and Adjacent Myotomic

    Muscles at Birth, 22


    2-1 Microscopic Appearance of Skeletal

    Muscle Fibers, 25

    2-2 Organization of Skeletal Muscle, 26

    2-3 Intrinsic Blood and Nerve Supply of

    Skeletal Muscle, 27

    2-4 Composition and Structure of

    Myofilaments, 28

    2-5 Muscle Contraction and Relaxation, 29

    2-6 Biochemical Mechanics of Muscle

    Contraction, 30

    2-7 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and Initiation of

    Muscle Contraction, 31

    2-8 Initiation of Muscle Contraction by Electric

    Impulse and Calcium Movement, 32

    2-9 Motor Unit, 33

    2-10 Structure of Neuromuscular Junction, 34

    2-11 Physiology of Neuromuscular

    Junction, 35

    2-12 Pharmacology of Neuromuscular

    Transmission, 36

    2-13 Physiology of Muscle Contraction, 37

    2-14 Energy Metabolism of Muscle, 38

    2-15 Muscle Fiber Types, 39

    2-16 Structure, Physiology, and

    Pathophysiology of Growth Plate, 40-41

    2-17 Structure and Blood Supply of Growth

    Plate, 42

    2-18 Peripheral Fibrocartilaginous Element of

    Growth Plate, 43

    2-19 Composition and Structure of

    Cartilage, 44

    2-20 Bone Cells and Bone Deposition, 45

    2-21 Composition of Bone, 46

    2-22 Structure of Cortical (Compact) Bone, 47

    2-23 Structure of Trabecular Bone, 48

    2-24 Formation and Composition of

    Collagen, 49

    2-25 Formation and Composition of

    Proteoglycan, 50

    2-26 Structure and Function of Synovial

    Membrane, 51

    2-27 Histology of Connective Tissue, 52

    2-28 Dynamics of Bone Homeostasis, 53

    2-29 Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate

    Metabolism, 54

    2-30 Effects of Bone Formation and Bone

    Resorption on Skeletal Mass, 55

    2-31 Four Mechanisms of Bone Mass

    Regulation, 56

    2-32 Normal Calcium and Phosphate

    Metabolism, 57

    2-33 Nutritional Calcium Deficiency, 59

    2-34 Effects of Disuse and Stress (Weight

    Bearing) on Bone Mass, 60

    2-35 Musculoskeletal Effects of Weightlessness

    (Space Flight), 61

    2-36 Bone Architecture and Remodeling in

    Relation to Stress, 62

    2-37 Stress-Generated Electric Potentials in

    Bone, 63

    2-38 Bioelectric Potentials in Bone, 64

    2-39 Age-Related Changes in Bone

    Geometry, 65

    2-40 Age-Related Changes in Bone Geometry

    (Continued), 66


    3-1 Parathyroid Hormone, 68

    3-2 Pathophysiology of Primary

    Hyperparathyroidism, 69

    3-3 Clinical Manifestations of Primary

    Hyperparathyroidism, 70

    3-4 Differential Diagnosis of Hypercalcemic

    States, 71

    3-5 Pathologic Physiology of

    Hypoparathyroidism, 72

    3-6 Clinical Manifestations of Chronic

    Hypoparathyroidism, 74

    3-7 Clinical Manifestations of

    Hypocalcemia, 75

    3-8 Pseudohypoparathyroidism, 76

    3-9 Mechanism of Parathyroid Hormone

    Activity on End Organ, 77

    3-10 Mechanism of Parathyroid Hormone

    Activity on End Organ: Cyclic AMP

    Response to PTH, 78

    3-11 Clinical Guide to Parathyroid Hormone

    Assay: Different Forms of PTH and Their

    Detection by Whole (Bioactive) PTH and

    I-PTH Immunometric Assays, 79

    3-12 Clinical Guide to Parathyroid Hormone

    Assay (Continued), 80

    3-13 Childhood Rickets, 81

    3-14 Adult Osteomalacia, 82

    3-15 Nutritional Deficiency: Rickets and

    Osteomalacia, 83

    3-16 Vitamin D–Resistant Rickets and

    Osteomalacia due to Proximal Renal

    Tubular Defects (Hypophosphatemic

    Rachitic Syndromes), 84

    3-17 Vitamin D–Resistant Rickets and

    Osteomalacia due to Proximal and Distal

    Renal Tubular Defects, 85

    3-18 Vitamin D–Dependent (Pseudodeficiency)

    Rickets and Osteomalacia, 86

    3-19 Vitamin D–Resistant Rickets and

    Osteomalacia due to Renal Tubular

    Acidosis, 87

    3-20 Metabolic Aberrations of Renal

    Osteodystrophy, 88

    3-21 Rickets, Osteomalacia, and Renal

    Osteodystrophy, 89

    3-22 Bony Manifestations of Renal

    Osteodystrophy, 90

    3-23 Vascular and Soft Tissue Calcification in

  • Joseph P Iannotti, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman, Orthopaedic and Rheumatologic Institute
    The Cleveland Clinic and Richard Parker, M.D., Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic


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