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cover image - Psychiatric Interviewing,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781437716986
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 10-25-2016
Page Count: 876
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $94.99

Psychiatric Interviewing, 3rd Edition

by Shawn Christopher Shea, MD


cover image - Psychiatric Interviewing,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781437716986
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 10-25-2016
Page Count: 876
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $94.99
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  • New and Expanded Content:

    • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices
    • Bonus chapter on advanced aspects of cross-cultural interviewing, including approaches for recognizing clinician biases and exploring the client’s spirituality and framework for meaning
    • Bonus chapter on motivational interviewing
    • Bonus chapter on transforming patient anger and moments of potential disengagement
    • Bonus chapter for prescribing clinicians -- such as psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse clinicians -- on how to collaboratively talk with patients about their medications
    • Includes over 7.5 hours of video illustration and instruction
    • Brings to life the pain and phenomenology of people coping with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder
    • An entire chapter on engaging patients with difficult personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder
    • A new and unique chapter covering often overlooked areas, such as positive psychology and methods for uncovering client wellness and strengths
    • Extensive chapter on nonverbal communication, including the complex challenges related to interviewing on the web by text and/or tele-psychiatry
    • A comprehensive introduction to facilics (an innovative supervision system for helping clinicians learn how to transform interviews into naturalistically flowing conversations), including an interactive web-based self-learning module on facilic supervision schematics for both faculty and students
    • Practical tips for creating a good EHR/write-up, in addition to sample clinical forms for EHR/written documentation
    • A specialized appendix for faculty, which includes four complete articles from the Psychiatric Clinics of North America that address educational topics including: effectively designing interviewing training courses and macrotraining suicide assessment skills
  • Part I: Clinical Interviewing: the Principles Behind the Art

    1. The Delicate Dance: Engagement and Empathy

    2. Beyond Empathy: Cornerstone Concepts and Techniques for Enhancing Engagement

    3. The Dynamic Structure of the Interview: Core Tasks, Strategies, and the Continuum of Open-Endedness

    4. Facilics: The Art of Transforming Interviews into Conversations

    5. Validity Techniques for Exploring Sensitive Material and Uncovering the Truth

    6. Understanding the Person Beneath the Diagnosis: the Search for Uniqueness, Wellness, and Cultural Context

    7. Assessment Perspectives and the Human Matrix: Bridges to Effective Treatment Planning in the Initial Interview

    8. Nonverbal Behavior: The Interview as Mime

    Part II: The Interview and Psychopathology: from Differential Diagnosis to Understanding

    9. Mood Disorders: How to Sensitively Arrive at a DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis

    10. Interviewing Techniques for Understanding the Person Beneath the Depression

    11. Psychotic Disorders: How to Sensitively Arrive at a DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis

    12. Interviewing Techniques For Understanding the Person Beneath the Psychosis

    13. Personality Disorders: Before the Interview Begins – Core Concepts

    14. "Personality Disorders: How to Sensitively Arrive at a DSM-5 Diagnosis"

    15. Understanding and Effectively Engaging People with Difficult Personality Disorders: the Psychodynamic Lens

    Part III: Mastering Complex Interviewing Tasks Demanded in Everyday Clinical Practice

    16. The Mental Status: How to Perform and Document It Effectively

    17. Exploring Suicidal Ideation: The Delicate Art of Suicide Assessment

    18. Exploring Violent and Homicidal Ideation: From Domestic Violence to Mass Murder

    Part IV: Specialized Topics & Advanced Interviewing – Bonus Material Online

    19. Transforming Anger, Confrontation, and Other Points of Disengagement

    20. Culturally Adaptive Interviewing: The Challenging Art of Exploring Culture, Worldview, and Spirituality

    21. Vantage Points: Bridges to Psychotherapy

    22. Motivational Interviewing (MI): A Foundation Stone in Collaborative Interviewing

    23. Medication Interest Model (MIM): Moving from Mere "Adherence" to Genuine Interest and Effective Use

    Glossary & Appendices

    App I: Annotated Interview (Full 60-Minute Intake)

    App II: The Written Document/Electronic Health Record (EHR): Effective Strategies

    App IIA: Practical Tips for Creating a Good EHR/Write-Up

    App IIB: Dictation Prompts and Quality Assurance Guidelines for the Written Document

    App IIC: Sample Written Assessment

    App IID: Initial Clinical Assessment

    GL: Glossary of Interview Supervision Terms

  • Shawn Christopher Shea, MD, Director, Training Institute for Suicide Assessment and Clinical Interviewing, Inc (TISA), Newbury, New Hampshire
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.