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cover image - Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 7,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781437719864
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 05-10-2011
Page Count: 688
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $194.99

Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 7, 1st Edition

by R. Eric Miller, DVM, DACZM, DECZM (Hon. - ZHM) and Murray E. Fowler, DVM, DACZM, DACVIM, DABVT


cover image - Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine Current Therapy, Volume 7,1st Edition
ISBN: 9781437719864
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 05-10-2011
Page Count: 688
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $194.99
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With coverage of current issues and emerging trends, this comprehensive, all-new reference provides a single source for practical information on zoo and wildlife medicine. A Current Therapy format emphasizes the latest advances in the field, including nutrition, diagnosis, and treatment protocols. Cutting-edge coverage includes topics such as the "One Medicine" concept, laparoscopic surgery in elephants and rhinoceros, amphibian viral diseases, and advanced water quality evaluation for zoos. Promoting a philosophy of animal conservation, this book bridges the gap between captive and free-ranging wild animal medicine with chapters contributed by more than 100 international experts.

    • All content is new, with coverage including coverage of cutting-edge issues such as white-nose disease in bats, updates on Ebola virus in wild great apes, and chytrid fungus in amphibians.
    • Full-color photographs depict external clinical signs for more accurate clinical recognition.
    • Discussions of the "One Medicine" concept include chapters addressing the interface between wildlife, livestock, human, and ecosystem health.
    • New sections cover Edentates, Marsupials, Carnivores, Perrissodactyla, and Camelids.
    • Over 100 new tables provide a quick reference to a wide range of topics.
    • An emphasis on conserving threatened and endangered species globally involves 102 expert authors representing 12 different countries.
    • All content is new, with coverage including coverage of cutting-edge issues such as white-nose disease in bats, updates on Ebola virus in wild great apes, and chytrid fungus in amphibians.
    • Full-color photographs depict external clinical signs for more accurate clinical recognition.
    • Discussions of the "One Medicine" concept include chapters addressing the interface between wildlife, livestock, human, and ecosystem health.
    • New sections cover Edentates, Marsupials, Carnivores, Perrissodactyla, and Camelids.
    • Over 100 new tables provide a quick reference to a wide range of topics.
    • An emphasis on conserving threatened and endangered species globally involves 102 expert authors representing 12 different countries.

    1. Disease Risk Analysis in Wildlife Health Field Studies

    2. Contraception

    3. Conservation Medicine for Zoo Veterinarians

    4. Veterinary Challenges of Mixed Species Exhibits

    5. Cowpox in Zoo Animals

    6. Disaster Preparation for Captive Wildlife Veterinarians

    7. Guidelines for the Management of Zoonotic Diseases

    8. Integrated Pest Management

    9. Noninvasive Techniques to Assess Health and Ecology of Wildlife Populations

    10. Culture and Media Shifts Cast New Light on Animal Care, Pose Challenges and Opportunities for Veterinarians

    11. Dangerous Animal Crisis Management

    12. Sustainable Practices for Zoological Veterinary Medicine

    13. Anthrax in Free-Ranging Wildlife

    14. Cyanobacterial Bio-Intoxication in Free-Ranging Wildlife

    15. Children's Zoo Medicine

    16. AAZV Guidelines for Zoo and Aquarium Veterinary Medical Programs and Veterinary Hospitals

    17. Fundamentals of Zoo Animal Surgery

    18. Emerging Diseases at the Interface of People, Domestic Animals, and Wildlife

    19. Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring by Bispectral Analysis in Zoo Animals

    20. Approaching Health Problems at the Wildlife-Domestic Animal Interface

    21. Wildlife Disease Ecology: What Can Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Learn from this Discipline?


    22. Medical Management of Rays

    23. Basic Water Quality Evaluation for Zoo Veterinarians

    24. The Mechanics of Aquarium Water Conditioning

    25. Advanced Water Quality Evaluation For Zoo Veterinarians

    26. Quarantine of Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates in Public Display Aquaria


    27. Behavioral Training of Reptiles for Medical Procedures

    28. The Diagnosis and Control of Amphibian Chytridiomycosis

    29. Mycobacteriosis in Amphibians

    30. Amphibian Viral Diseases

    31. Sea Turtle Rehabilitation

    32. Reptile and Amphibian Analgesia

    33. Virology of Non-Avian Reptiles: An Update

    34. Hellbender Medicine


    35. Avian Mycobacterial Disease

    36. Feather Follicle Extirpation: Operative Techniques to Prevent Zoo Birds from Flying

    37. Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Buceros Hornbills

    38. The California Condor (Gymnogyps Californianus) Veterinary Program: 1997-2010

    39. Avian Circovirus and Polyomavirus Diseases

    40. Veterinary Care of Kakapo

    41. Avian Analgesia

    42. Pre-Hatch Protocols to Improve Hatchability

    43. West Nile Virus in Raptors

    44. Diagnosis of Aspergillosis in Avian Species

    45. Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus: Epidemiology in Wild Birds, Zoo Outbreaks and Zoo Vaccination Policy

    46. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Raptors

    47. Haemosporidian Parasites: Impacts on Avian Hosts


    48. Rabies Management in Wild Carnivores


    49. Feeding and Nutrition of Anteaters


    50. Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease

    51. Viral Chorioretinitis of Kangaroos


    52. Degenerative Skeletal Diseases of Primates

    53. Cardiovascular Disease in Great Apes

    54. Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

    55. Use of Computertomography to Diagnose Sinusitis and Air Sacculitis in Orangutans (Pongo Pygmaeus, Pongo Abelii)


    56. White-Nose Syndrome in Cave Bats of North America


    57. Updated Vaccination Recommendations for Carnivores

    58. Medical Management of Maned Wolves (Chrysocyon Brachyurus)

    59. Primer on Tick-Borne Diseases in Exotic Carnivores

    60. Ageing In Large Felids

    61. Star-Gazing in Lions

    62. Pyometra in Large Felids


    63. Longitudinal Monitoring of Immune System Parameters and Associated Applications to Health Management of Captive and Free-Ranging Cetaceans

    64. Ocular Disease and Suspected Etiologies in Captive Pinnipeds


    65. Elephant Herpesviruses

    66. Female Elephant Reproduction

    67. Digital Radiography of the Elephant Foot

    68. Laparoscopic Surgery in Elephants and Rhinoceros

    69. Elephant Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine

    70. Treatment of Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV)


    71. Rhinoceros Theriogenology

    72. Asian Wild Horse Reintroduction Program


    73. Management of Crytosporidiosis in a Hoofstock Contact Area

    74. Bluetongue Lessons from the European Outbreak 2006-2009

    75. Alternatives for Gastrointestinal Parasite Control in Exotic Ruminants

    76. Thiafentanil Oxalate (A3080) in Non-Domestic Ungulate Species

    77. The Use of Butorphanol in Anesthesia Protocols for Zoo and Wild Mammals

    78. Importation of Non-Domestic Ruminant Semen for Management of Zoological Populations Using Artificial Insemination

    79. Advances in Giraffe Nutrition

    80. Hoof Disorders in Non-Domestic Artiodactyls

    81. Johne's Disease and Free-Ranging Wildlife

    82. Practical Aspects of Ruminant Intensive Care


    83. Mycoplasma Haemolamae in New World Camelids

  • R. Eric Miller, DVM, DACZM, DECZM (Hon. - ZHM), Director Emeritus, Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute and Murray E. Fowler, DVM, DACZM, DACVIM, DABVT, Professor Emeritus, Zoological Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA
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