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cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Urinary System,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781437722383
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 02-21-2012
Page Count: 288
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $99.99

The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Urinary System, 2nd Edition

by Christopher R Kelly and Jaime Landman, MD


cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Urinary System,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781437722383
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 02-21-2012
Page Count: 288
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $99.99

Newer Edition Available

    • Get complete, integrated visual guidance on the kidney, ureters, and bladder in a single source, from basic sciences and normal anatomy and function through pathologic conditions.

    • Adeptly navigate current controversies and timely topics in clinical medicine with guidance from expert editors, authors, and the input of an international advisory board.
    • Gain a rich, comprehensive clinical view of the urinary system by seeing classic Netter anatomic illustrations side by side with cutting-edge radiologic images, pathology slides, and the latest molecular biology findings.
    • Visualize the timely topics in nephrology and urology, including HIV-associated nephropathy, hepatorenal syndrome, laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, and tumor cryoblation.
    • See current clinical concepts captured in the visually rich Netter artistic tradition via contributions from Carlos Machado, MD, and other artists working in the Netter style.

      1. Kidney: Position and Relations (Anterior View)
      2. Kidney: Position and Relations (Posterior View)
      3. Kidney: Position and Relations (Transverse Sections)
      4. Kidney: Gross Structure
      5. Renal Fascia
      6. Ureters: Position, Relations, Gross Structure
      7. Bladder: Position, Relations, Gross Structure (Male)
      8. Bladder: Position, Relations, Gross Structure (Female)
      9. Bladder: Position, Relations, Gross Structure (Coronal Cross-Section)
      10. Renal Vasculature: Renal Artery and Vein In Situ
      11. Renal Vasculature: Renal Artery Segmental Branches and Intrarenal Arteries
      12. Renal Vasculature: Variations in Renal Artery and Vein
      13. Vasculature of Ureters and Bladder
      14. Innervation of Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder
      15. Innervation Pathways of the Kidneys and Upper Ureter
      16. Innervation Pathways of the Ureter and Bladder
      17. Lymphatics of Urinary System
      18. Overview of the Nephron
      19. Renal Microvascualture
      20. Glomerulus: Structure and Histology
      21. Glomerulus Fine Structure
      22. Glomerulus: Electron Microscopy
      23. Proximal Tubule
      24. Thin Limb
      25. Distal Tubule
      26. Collecting Duct
      27. Renal Pelvis, Ureter, and Bladder

    Section 2 - Normal and Abnormal Development

      1. Development of Kidney
      2. Development of Kidney: Nephron Formation
      3. Development of Bladder and Ureter: Formation of the Cloaca
      4. Development of Bladder and Ureter: Septation, Incorporation of Ureters, and Maturation
      5. Renal Ascent and Ectopia: Normal Renal Ascent and Pelvic Kidney
      6. Renal Ascent and Ectopia: Thoracic and Crossed Ectopic Kidney
      7. Renal Rotation and Malrotation
      8. Anomalies in Number of Kidneys: Bilateral Renal Agenesis
      9. Anomalies in Number of Kidneys: Unilateral Renal Agenesis
      10. Anomalies in Number of Kidneys: Supernumerary Kidney
      11. Renal Fusion
      12. Renal Dysplasia
      13. Renal Hypoplasia
      14. Simple Cysts
      15. Polycystic Kidney Disease: Gross Appearance
      16. Polycystic Kidney Disease: Radiographic Findings
      17. Medullary Sponge Kidney
      18. Nephronophthisis / Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease Complex
      19. Retrocaval Ureter: Radiographic Findings and Laparoscopic Repair
      20. Retrocaval Ureter: Normal Development of the Inferior Vena Cava
      21. Vesicoureteral Reflux: Mechanism and Grading
      22. Vesicoureteral Reflux: Voiding Cystourethrograms
      23. Ureteral Duplication: Complete
      24. Ureteral Duplication: Incomplete
      25. Ectopic Ureter
      26. Ureterocele: Gross and Fine Appearance
      27. Ureterocele: Radiographic Findings
      28. Prune Belly Syndrome: Appearance of Abdominal Wall
      29. Prune Belly Syndrome: Appearance of Kidneys, Ureters, and Bladder
      30. Epispadias Exstrophy Complex: Epispadias
      31. Epispadias Exstrophy Complex: Bladder Exstrophy
      32. Bladder Duplication and Septation
      33. Anomalies of the Urachus
      34. Posterior Urethral Valves: Gross Appearance
      35. Posterior Urethral Valves: Radiographic Findings

    Section 3 – Physiology

      1. Basic Functions and Homeostasis
      2. Clearance and Renal Plasma Flow
      3. Glomerular Filtration Rate
      4. Glomerular Filtration Rate: Calculation
      5. Secretion and Reabsorption: Tubular Reabsorption and Saturation Kinetics
      6. Secretion and Reabsorption: Fractional Excretion (Clearance Ratios)
      7. Renal Handling of Sodium and Chloride: Nephron Sites of Sodium Reabsorption
      8. Renal Handling of Sodium and Chloride: Response to Extracellular Fluid Contraction
      9. Renal Handling of Sodium and Chloride: Response to Extracellular Fluid Expansion
      10. Renal Handling of Potassium
      11. Renal Handling of Calcium, Phosphate, and Magnesium
      12. Countercurrent Multiplication: Model - Part 1
      13. Countercurrent Multiplication: Model - Part 2
      14. Countercurrent Multiplication: Models to Demonstrate Principle of Countercurrent Exchange System of Vasa Recta in Minimizing Dissipation of Medullary Osmotic Gradient
      15. Urine Concentration and Dilution: Long-Looped Nephron (ADH Present)
      16. Urine Concentration and Dilution: Long-Looped Nephron (ADH Absent)
      17. Antidiuretic Hormone
      18. Tubuloglomerular Feedback and Modulation of Renin Release
      19. Tubuloglomerular Feedback and Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
      20. Acid Base Balance: Roles of Chemical Buffers, Lungs, and Kidneys in Acid-Base Handling
      21. Acid Base Balance: Renal Bicarbonate Reabsorption
      22. Acid Base Balance: Renal Bicarbonate Synthesis and Proton Excretion
      23. Acid Base Balance: Acidosis and Alkalosis
      24. Additional Functions of Erythropoiesis and Vitamin D
      25. Renal Tubular Acidosis: Proximal
      26. Renal Tubular Acidosis: Classic Distal
      27. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus: Diabetes Insipidus
      28. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus: Major Causes and Symptoms

    Section 4 – Renal Diseases

      1. Overview of Acute Kidney Injury: Causes
      2. Overview of Acute Kidney Injury: Possible Urine Findings
      3. Acute Tubular Necrosis: Causes, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Features
      4. Acute Tubular Necrosis: Histopathological Findings
      5. Overview of Nephrotic Syndrome: Pathophysiology
      6. Overview of Nephrotic Syndrome: Causes
      7. Overview of Nephrotic Syndrome: Presentation and Diagnosis
      8. Minimal Change Disease: Causes and Presentation
      9. Minimal Change Disease: Histopathology
      10. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Causes, Clinical Features, and Histopathological Findings
      11. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Histopathological Findings (Continued)
      12. Membranous Nephropathy: Causes and Clinical Features
      13. Membranous Nephropathy: Histopathologica
  • Christopher R Kelly, Christopher R. Kelly, MD
    Postdoctoral Residency Fellow
    Department of Medicine
    NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital / Columbia University Medical Center and Jaime Landman, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology, University of California Irvine, Irvine, California