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cover image - Small Animal Critical Care Medicine - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781455703050
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 07-01-2014
Page Count: 1152
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $113.99

Small Animal Critical Care Medicine - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition

by Deborah Silverstein, DVM, DACVECC and Kate Hopper, BVSc, MVSc, DACVECC

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Small Animal Critical Care Medicine - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781455703050
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 07-01-2014
Page Count: 1152
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $113.99
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Emphasizing evidence-based therapy for the critically ill or injured patient, Small Animal Critical Care Medicine, 2nd Edition provides diagnostic and management strategies for common disorders of severely ill or injured dogs and cats. It covers critical care medical therapy, monitoring, and prognosis — from triage and stabilization through the entire course of acute medical crisis and intensive care treatment. To make therapeutic decisions easier, clear guidelines address underlying clinical findings, pathophysiology, outpatient follow-up, and long-term care. From a Who’s Who of experts from the veterinary emergency and critical care world, this comprehensive reference helps students learn to provide the highest standard of care for ICU patients.

Newer Edition Available

3rd Edition

Small Animal Critical Care Medicine - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323764728
    • All-NEW chapters include Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy, T-FAST and A-FAST, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), Sepsis, Physical Therapy Techniques, ICU Design and Management, and Communication Skills and Grief Counseling.
    • Over 200 concise chapters are thoroughly updated to cover all of the clinical areas needed for evaluating, diagnosing, managing, and monitoring a critical veterinary patient.
    • NEW! Coverage of basic and advanced mechanical ventilation describes how to deliver high-quality care to patients with respiratory failure.
    • NEW! Coverage of increasingly prevalent problems seen in the Intensive Care Unit includes multidrug-resistant bacterial infections and coagulation disorders.
    • UPDATED coagulation section includes chapters on hypercoagulability, platelet function and testing, anticoagulant therapy, and hemostatic drugs.
    • Practical, user-friendly format makes reference quick and easy with summary tables, boxes highlighting key points, illustrations, and algorithmic approaches to diagnosis and management.
    • A problem-based approach focuses on clinically relevant details.
    • More than 150 recognized experts offer in-depth, authoritative guidance on emergency and critical care topics from a variety of perspectives.
    • Hundreds of full-color illustrations depict various emergency procedures such as chest tube placement.
    • Appendices offer quick access to the most often needed calculations, conversion tables, continuous rate infusion determinations, reference ranges, and more.
    • All-NEW chapters include Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy, T-FAST and A-FAST, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), Sepsis, Physical Therapy Techniques, ICU Design and Management, and Communication Skills and Grief Counseling.
    • NEW! Coverage of basic and advanced mechanical ventilation helps you in deliver high-quality care to patients with respiratory failure.
    • NEW! Coverage of increasingly prevalent problems seen in the Intensive Care Unit includes multidrug-resistant bacterial infections and coagulation disorders.
    • NEW chapters on fluid therapy and transfusion therapy provide information on how to prevent complications and maximize resources.
    • UPDATED coagulation section includes chapters on hypercoagulability, platelet function and testing, anticoagulant therapy, and hemostatic drugs.
  • Key Critical Care Concepts 1. Evaluation and Triage of the Critically Ill Patient 2. Physical Examination and Daily Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient 3. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 4. Post-Cardiac Arrest Care 5. Shock 6. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome  NEW! 7. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome  NEW! 8. Hypotension 9. Hypertension 10. Hyperthermia and Fever 11. Interstitial Edema 12. Patient Suffering in the Intensive Care Unit 13. Illness Severity Scores in Veterinary Medicine

    Respiratory Disorders 14. Oxygen Therapy 15. Hypoxemia 16. Hypoventilation 17. Upper Airway Disease 18. Brachycephalic Syndrome 19. Tracheal Trauma 20. Allergic Airway Disease in Dogs and Cats and Feline Bronchopulmonary Disease 21. Pulmonary Edema 22. Pneumonia 23. Aspiration Pnuemonitis and Pneumonia 24. Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 25. Pulmonary Contusions and Hemorrhage 26. Pulmonary Thromboembolism 27. Chest Wall Disease 28. Pleural Space Disease 29. Non-Respiratory Look-Alikes

    Mechanical Ventilation 30. Basic Mechanical Ventilation 31. Advanced Mechanical Ventilation 32. Jet Ventilation 33. Ventilator Waveforms 34. Care of the Ventilator Patient 35. Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation 36. Ventilator Induced Lung Injury 37. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

    Cardiac Disorders 38. Mechanisms of Heart Failure 39. Cardiogenic Shock 40. Ventricular Failure and Myocardial Infarction 41. Feline Cardiomyopathy 42. Canine Cardiomyopathy 43. Valvular Heart Disease 44. Myocardial Contusion 45. Pericardial Diseases 46. Bradyarrhythmias and Conduction Disturbances 47. Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias 48. Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias 49. Myocarditis

    Electrolyte And Acid-Base Disturbances 50. Sodium Disorders 51. Potassium Disorders 52. Calcium Disorders 53. Magnesium and Phosphorous Disorders 54. Traditional Acid Base Analysis 55. Non-Traditional Acid-Base Analysis 56. Hyperlactatemia

    Fluid Therapy 57. Assessment of Hydration 58. Crystalloids, Colloids, and Hemoglobin Based Oxygen Carrying Solutions 59. Daily Intravenous Fluid Therapy 60. Shock Fluids and Fluid Challenge 61. Transfusion Medicine 62. Prevention and Treatment of Transfusion Reactions 63. Massive Transfusion

    Endocrine Disorders 64. Diabetic Ketoacidosis 65. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome 66. Hypoglycemia 67. Diabetes Insipidus 68. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone 69. Thyroid Storm 70. Hypothyroid Crisis in The Dog 71. Pheochromocytoma 72. Critical Illness-Related Corticosteroid Insufficiency 73. Hypoadrenocorticism

    Therapeutic Drug Overdose 74. Approach to Drug Overdose 75. Blood Purification for Intoxications And Drug Overdose 76. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 77. Sedative, Muscle Relaxant, and Narcotic Overdose 78. Calcium Channel Blocker and Beta-Blocker Drug Overdose 79. Serotonin Syndrome

    Neurologic Disorders 80. Deteriorating Mental Status 81. Coma Scales 82. Seizures and Status Epilepticus 83. Spinal Cord Injury 84. Intracranial Hypertension 85. Diseases of the Motor Unit 86. Tetanus 87. Vestibular Disease 88. Hepatic Encephalopathy

    Infectious Disorders 89. Nosocomial Infections and Zoonoses 90. Febrile Neutropenia 91. Sepsis and Septic Shock  NEW! 92. Mycoplasma, Actinomyces and Nocardia 93. Gram-Positive Infections 94. Gram-Negative Infections 95. Fungal Infections 96. Viral Infections 97. Canine Parvovirus Infection 98. Infective Endocarditis 99. Urosepsis 100. Mastitis 101. Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections 102. Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection 103. Multi-Drug Resistant Infections

    Hematologic Disorders 104. Hypercoagulable States 105. Bleeding Disorders 106. Thrombocytopenia 107. Platelet Disorders 108. Anemia 109. Methemoglobinemia 110. Acute Hemolytic Disorders 111. Rodenticide Toxicity

    Intra-Abdominal Disorders 112. Acute Abdominal Pain 113. Acute Pancreatitis 114. Acute Cholecystitis 115. Hepatitis and Cholangiohepatitis 116. Hepatic Failure 117. Gastroenteritis 118. Motility Disorders 119. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 120. Regurgitation and Vomiting 121. Diarrhea 122. Peritonitis 123. Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus

    Urogenital Disorders 124. Acute Kidney Injury 125. Chronic Kidney Disease 126. Pyometra

    Nutrition 127. Nutritional Assessment 128. Nutritional Modulation of Critical Illness 129. Enteral Nutrition 130. Parenteral Nutrition

    Surgical And Postoperative Conditions 131. Perioperative Evaluation of the Critically Ill Patient 132. Portosystemic Shunt Management 133. Peritoneal Drainage Techniques 134. Post-Thoracotomy Management 135. Kidney Transplantation 136. Minimally Invasive Procedures  NEW!

    Trauma 137. Traumatic Brain Injury 138. Thoracic and Abdominal Trauma 139. Wound Management 140. Thermal Burn Injury

    Anesthesia And Pain Management 141. Pain And Sedation Assessment 142. Sedation of the Critical Patient 143. Anesthesia of the Critical Patient 144. Analgesia and Constant Rate Infusions 145. Physical Therapy Techniques  NEW! 146. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

    Environmental Emergencies 147. Smoke Inhalation 148. Hypothermia 149. Heat Stroke 150. Electrical and Lightning Injuries 151. Drowning and Submersion Injury

    Miscellaneous Disorders 152. Anaphylaxis 153. Air Embolism 154. Ocular Disease in the Intensive Care Unit 155. Critically Ill Neonatal and Pediatric Patients 156. Critical Geriatric Patients

    Pharmacology 157. Catecholamines 158. Vasopressin 159. Antihypertensives 160. Diuretics 161. Gastrointestinal Protectants 162. Anti-Emetics and Prokinetics 163. Narcotic Agonists and Antagonists 164. Benzodiazepines and Flumazenil 165. Alpha-2 Agonists and Antagonists 166. Anticonvulsants 167. Antiplatelet Drugs 168. Anticoagulants 169. Thrombolytic Agents 170. Hemostatic Drugs 171. Antidysrhythmic Agents 172. Aerosolized Medications 173. Complications of Chemotherapeutic Agents 174. Antitoxins and Antivenoms

    Antimicrobial Therapy 175. Antimicrobial Use in the Critical Care Patient 176. Beta Lactam Antimicrobials 177. Aminoglycosides 178. Fluoroquinolones 179. Macrolides 180. Antifungal Therapy 181. Miscellaneous Antibiotics 182. Strategies for Treating Infections in Critically Ill Pati

  • Deborah Silverstein, DVM, DACVECC, Assistant Professor (Critical Care), Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA and Kate Hopper, BVSc, MVSc, DACVECC, Professor of Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care, Veterinary Surgical & Radiological Sciences, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.