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Community/Public Health Nursing Practice - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition
by Frances A. Maurer, MS, RN-BC and Claudia M. Smith, PhD, MPH, RN-BC
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
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Focusing on practical, need-to-know information, Community/Public Health Nursing Practice helps you learn how to apply the nursing process at the community and family level. It features an engaging, easy-to-understand writing style, as well as assessment tools, detailed case studies, and clinical examples that demonstrate how key concepts apply to real-world practice. Additional resources on the companion Evolve website expand and enhance content within the text.
- Practical features including Case Studies, Ethics in Practice, and The Nursing Process in Practice illustrate real-world applications of key community/public health nursing concepts.
- A complete unit on the community as client helps you understand how the assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation steps of the nursing process apply to the community, as opposed to an individual.
- A chapter devoted to community assessment provides a complete assessment tool and shows you how the tool applies to two different types of communities.
- UNIQUE! A chapter on screening and referral promotes population-focused practice, which is the crux of community/public health nursing.
- A separate unit on the family emphasizes the importance of viewing the family as a singular client.
- A complete discussion of the Minnesota Wheel helps you better understand this widely-accepted framework for community/public health nursing practice.
- Helpful sections such as Focus Questions, Chapter Outlines, Key Ideas, and Learning by Experience and Reflection help you pinpoint essential information.
- NEW! Healthy People 2020 objectives throughout the text help you identify common health risk factors in populations and families.
- NEW! Coverage of health care reform, including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA), explores how current health care legislation impacts community/public health nursing.
- NEW! Discussions of community health "hot button" issues, such as human trafficking, genital circumcision, and bullying, introduce you to today's health care challenges.
- NEW! Information on weather-related disaster fatalities, bioterrorism, and national and state planning responses familiarize you with current, relevant issues which affect the health of populations worldwide and shape the role of the community/public health nurse.
Unit 1: Role and Context of Community/Public Health Nursing Practice
1. Responsibilities for Care in Community/Public Health Nursing
2. Origins and Future of Community/Public Health Nursing
3. The United States Health Care System
4. Financing of Health Care: Context for Community/Public Health Nursing
5. Global Health
6. Legal Context for Community/Public Health Nursing Practice
Unit 2: Core Concepts for the Practice of Community/Public Health Nursing
7. Epidemiology: Unraveling the Mysteries of Disease and Health
8. Communicable Diseases
9. Environmental Health Risks: At Home, at Work, and in the Community
10. Relevance of Culture and Values for Community/Public Health Nursing
Unit 3: Family as Client
11. Home Visit: Opening the Doors for Family Health
12. A Family Perspective in Community/Public Health Nursing
13. Family Case Management
14. Multiproblem Families
Unit 4: Community as Client
15. Community Assessment
16. Community Diagnosis, Planning, and Intervention
17. Evaluation of Nursing Care with Communities
Unit 5: Tools for Practice
18. Health Promotion and Risk Reduction in the Community
19. Screening and Referral
20. Health Teaching
Unit 6: Contemporary Problems in Community/Public Health Nursing
21. Vulnerable Populations
22. Disaster Management: Caring for Communities in an Emergency
23. Violence: A Social and Family Problem
24. Adolescent Sexual Activity and Teenage Pregnancy
25. Substance Use Disorders
Unit 7: Support for Special Populations
26. Rehabilitation Clients in the Community
27. Children in the Community
28. Elderly Persons in the Community
Unit 8: Settings for Community/Public Health Nursing Practice
29. State and Local Health Departments
30. School Health
31. Home Health Care
32. Rural Health
33. Community Mental Health
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