Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1st Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card
Prepare your students for practice with the rehabilitation textbook written specifically for physical therapist assistants! Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant is a clear, easy-to-read, evidence-based guide to the PTA's role in managing patients. Following the format of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, this text covers core concepts related to physical rehabilitation and emphasizes the PTA's unique role in physical assessment and intervention. This text will be a valuable resource for your students both in the classroom and in professional practice.
- Comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of rehabilitation includes sections on pathology; examination; evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis; clinical signs, and intervention -- emphasizing the PTA's role in intervention.
- Unique! A consistent, organized approach covers physical therapy intervention by disorder, with full discussions of each condition found in a single chapter.
- Format follows the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition with a section of the book dedicated to each of the four categories of the APTA Preferred Practice Patterns -- musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary -- with a fifth section to address interventions which overlap many practice patterns.
- Learning objectives in each chapter set goals and help students focus their study.
- Clinical Pearls highlight key information.
- Unique! Full-color illustrations clearly demonstrate pathologies and interventions.
- Case studies with questions challenge the student to apply evidence-based concepts directly to patient care.
- Glossaries at the end of each chapter provide definitions of key terms to build students' clinical vocabularies.
- Unique! Student resources on the companion Evolve website include vocabulary-building exercises, boards-style practice test questions, examples of commonly used forms, and references from the book linked to Medline abstracts.
- Unique! Instructor resources on Evolve include PowerPoint® lecture slides, the complete image collection from the text, test bank questions, additional case studies, and complete reference citations linked to Medline.
1. Introduction 2. Evidence-based Practice Part One: Musculoskeletal System 3. Skeletal Demineralization 4. Posture 5. Muscle Weakness 6. Connective Tissue Dysfunction 7. Localized Inflammation 8. Spinal Disorders 9. Fractures 10. Joint Arthroplasty 11. Soft Tissue Surgery 12. Amputation and Prostheses Part Two: Neuromuscular System 13. Balance and Fall Risk 14. Impaired Neuromotor Development 15. Pediatric Nonprogressive Central Nervous System Disorders 16. Adult Nonprogressive Central Nervous System Disorders 17. Progressive Central Nervous System Disorders 18. Peripheral Nerve Injuries 19. Polyneuropathies 20. Nonprogressive Spinal Cord Disorders 21. Disorders of Consciousness: Coma, Vegetative State and Minimally Conscious State Part Three: Cardiopulmonary System 22. Vital Signs 23. Deconditioning 24. Airway Clearance Dysfunction 25. Congestive Heart Failure 26. Respiratory Failure 27. Lymphatic System Disorders Part Four: Integumentary System 28. Tissue Healing and Pressure Ulcers 29. Vascular Ulcers 30. Neuropathic Ulcers 31. Burns Part Five: Interventions Common to Many Conditions Requiring Rehabilitation 32. Gait Assessment and Training 33. Assistive Devices for Mobility: Canes, Crutches, Walkers, and Wheelchairs 34. Orthotics