Evolve Resources for Medical Biochemistry, 4th Edition

- Offer in-depth coverage of important topics - including recent research in biochemistry - with the aid of Advanced Concept Boxes.
- Utilize Active Learning Boxes at the end of each chapter as discussion points in your lectures.
- Ensure students have a complete understanding of the relationship between science and clinical practice with material organized by organ rather than system.
- Quickly review descriptions of difficult concepts with an online glossary available at Student Consult. Additional online components include clinical images, clinical boxes, case studies, online note-taking capabilities, and 150 multiple-choice and USMLE-style questions.
- Gain a thorough understanding of biomarkers and their uses with brand-new information on the subject.
- Access today's most recent research regarding Gene Therapy, Proteomics and Recombinant DNA Techniques, Role of Kidney in Metabolism, and Neurochemistry.
01 Introduction
02 Amino Acids and Proteins
03 Carbohydrates and Lipids
04 Blood and Plasma Proteins
05 Oxygen Transport
06 Catalytic Proteins-Enzymes
07 Hemostasis and Thrombosis
08 Membranes and Transport
09 Bioenergetics and Oxidative Metabolism
10 Digestion and Absorption of Nutrients: The Gastrointestinal Tract
11 Vitamins and Minerals
12 Anaerobic Metabolism of Glucose in the Red Blood Cell
13 Carbohydrate Storage and Synthesis in Liver and Muscle
14 The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
15 Oxidative Metabolism of Lipids in Liver and Muscle
16 Biosynthesis and Storage of Fatty Acids
17 Biosynthesis of Cholesterol and Steroids
18 Lipoproteins Metabolism and Atherogenesis
19 Biosynthesis and Degradation of Amino Acids
20 Muscle: Energy Metabolism and Contraction
21 Glucose Homeostasis and Fuel Metabolism: Diabetes Mellitus
22 Nutrition and Energy Balance
23 Role of Kidneys in Metabolism
24 Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis
25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid-Base Balance)
26 Bone Metabolism and Calcium Homeostasis
27 Complex Carbohydrates: Glycoproteins
28 Complex Lipids
29 The Extracellular Matrix
30 Role of the Liver in Metabolism
31 Biosynthesis and Degradation of Nucleotides
32 Deoxyribonucleic Acid
33 Ribonucleic Acid
34 Protein Synthesis and Turnover
35 Regulation of Gene Expression: Basic Mechanisms
36 Regulation of Gene Expression: Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics
37 Oxygen and Life
38 The Immune Response
39 Biochemical Endocrinology
40 Membrane Receptors and Signal Transduction
41.1 Neurotransmitters
41.2 Neurochemistry
42 Cellular Homeostasis: Cell Growth and Cancer
43 Aging -
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