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cover image - Small Animal Toxicology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781455757169
Copyright: 2006
Publication Date: 11-11-2005
Page Count: 1232
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $90.99

Small Animal Toxicology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition

by Michael E. Peterson, DVM, MS and Patricia A. Talcott, MS, DVM, PhD DipABVT

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Small Animal Toxicology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781455757169
Copyright: 2006
Publication Date: 11-11-2005
Page Count: 1232
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $90.99
Was $90.99

Now $86.44

Or $0.00 with a valid access code
This revised and expanded reference is a valuable aid for the practicing veterinary clinician in diagnosing and determining treatment for toxic exposures in small animals, and for veterinary students as a supplement to their classroom instruction. It contains chapters addressing nontraditional areas of toxicology not covered in conventional toxicology texts. It also covers areas of toxicology which seem basic but are rarely discussed, such as taking a toxicological history, establishing a minimum database, providing supportive care, and managing emergency treatment of the poisoned patient. The book is organized into three sections, including 20 new chapters and new topics such as grapes and raisins, lilies, "Christmas time" plants, mercury, and accidental poisoning in non-traditional pets.

Newer Edition Available

3rd Edition

Small Animal Toxicology, Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9781455707294
    • New two-color design makes the book more esthetically pleasing and allows for quick retrieval of information
    • Toxic Plant Information Summary tables make treatments for plant intoxications easy to find
    • Toxic Plant Quick Reference Based on Clinical Signs tables are included, to support small-animal veterinarians in cases of potential toxic plant ingestion
    • Summary charts at the beginning of each chapter in the Specific Toxicants section contain bulleted lists with clear-cut information on the specific toxicant, the clinical signs, and prognosis
    • A comprehensive review of all known potentially toxic substances is provided, from A (acetaminophen) to Z (zinc), including the very latest on grape and raisin toxicity — making this the most up-to-date and thorough text in this field
    • 45 different experts contribute to this book, all from the field of veterinary toxicology and medicine
    • 20 new chapters have been added
    • New topics include a list of toxicants affecting body systems, management of toxins in pregnancy, diagnostic toxicology, bacterial toxins, and cosmetic/toilet articles
    • Snake-bite injuries are treated in two separate, expanded chapters: Pit Vipers and Coral Snakes
    • Section on pharmaceuticals includes bromides, anticonvulsants, tricycle antidepressants, monoamine oxidize inhibitors, B-adrenergic toxicities, and vitamins A and D
    • Additional specific toxicants are covered, including Amitraz, hydramethylon, ethanol, mercury, toad toxins, poisonous frogs, salamanders, newts and venomous arthropods• Additional specific toxicants are covered, including Amitraz, hydramethylon, ethanol, mercury, toad toxins, poisonous frogs, salamanders, newts and venomous arthropods.
  • Section 1: Toxicologic Concepts
    1. General Toxicologic Principles
    2. Toxicodynamics and Toxicokinetics NEW!
    3. Toxicologic Information Resources
    4. Taking a Toxicologic History
    5. Initial Management of the Acutely Poisoned Patient
    6. Establishing a Minimum Database in Small Animal Poisonings
    7. Supportive Care of the Poisoned Patient
    8. Toxicologic Decontamination
    9. Approach to Diagnosis and Initial Treatment of the Toxicology Case
    10. Effective Use of a Diagnostic Laboratory NEW!
    11. Considerations in Pediatric and Geriatric Poisoned Patients
    12. Considerations in Pregnant/Lactating Poisoned Patients NEW!

    Section 2: General Exposures
    13. Summary of Small Animal Poison Exposures
    14. Adverse Drug Reactions
    15. Miscellaneous Indoor Toxicants
    16. Indoor Environmental Quality and Health
    17. "Recreational" Drugs
    18. Hazards Associated with the Use of Herbal and Other Natural Products
    19. Household and Garden Plants
    20. Use of Human Poison Centers in the Veterinary Setting
    21. Disaster Management NEW!
    22. House/Fire By-Products NEW!
    23. Antidotes for Specific Toxins
    24. Reproductive Toxicology of the Female Companion Animal
    25. Reproductive Toxicology of the Male Companion Animal
    26. Accidental Poisoning in Non-Traditional Pets NEW!

    Section 3: Specific Toxicants
    27. Acetaminophen
    28. Amitraz NEW!
    29. Amphibian Toxins - Frogs, Salamanders, Newts
    30. Anticoagulant Rodenticides
    31. Anticonvulsants NEW!
    32. Arsenic
    33. Botulism
    34. Bromethalin
    35. Carbon Monoxide
    36. Cholecalciferol - Vitamin D
    37. "Christmas time" Plants NEW!
    38. Citrus Oils
    39. Copper
    40. Cyanide
    41. Cyanobacteria
    42. DEET
    43. Diethylene Glycol
    44. Ethanol
    45. Ethylene Glycol
    46. Grapes and Raisins NEW!
    47. Miscellaneous Herbicides, Fungicides, and Nematocides
    48. Insects - Hymenoptera
    49. Ionophores
    50. Iron
    51. Ivermectin - Macrolide Antiparasitic Agents
    52. Lead
    53. Lillies NEW!
    54. Lizards
    55. Macadamia nuts NEW!
    56. Mercury NEW!
    57. Metaldehyde
    58. Methanol
    59. Methylxanthines - Theobromine, Caffeine, Theophylline
    60. Metronidazole NEW!
    61. Mushrooms
    62. Mycotoxins
    63. Nicotine
    64. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories
    65. Organochlorine Pesticides
    66. Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticides
    67. Oxalate-containing Plants NEW!
    68. Paraquat
    69. Miscellaneous Parasiticides NEW!
    70. Petroleum Hydrocarbons
    71. Propylene Glycol
    72. Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids
    73. Ricin NEW!
    74. Snake Bite: Pit Vipers
    75. Snake Bite: Coral Snakes
    76. Sodium NEW!
    77. Sodium Monofluoroacetate - 1080
    78. Spider - Black Widow
    79. Spider - Brown Recluse
    80. Strychnine
    81. Toads
    82. Vitamin A and other drugs affecting the skeletal system NEW!
    83. Zinc Phosphide
    84. Zinc
  • Michael E. Peterson, DVM, MS, Reid Veterinary Hospital, Albany, Oregon. and Patricia A. Talcott, MS, DVM, PhD DipABVT
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