
  • FINAL REMINDER - EAQ Classic is being sunset.

    After December 31, 2024, Classic versions of Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing courses will no longer be operational or supported. All EAQ Classic courses will be shut down.
    Please contact an Elsevier representative today to discuss transitioning to Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing NG or alternative options.


  • FINAL REMINDER - EAQ Classic is being sunset.

    After December 31, 2024, Classic versions of Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing courses will no longer be operational or supported. All EAQ Classic courses will be shut down.
    Please contact an Elsevier representative today to discuss transitioning to Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing NG or alternative options.

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As an alternate option, you may also enroll students or fellow instructors into your course by submitting your class roster.

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