Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology - Text and Anatomy and Physiology Online Course (Access Code), 1st Edition

Designed for one-semester anatomy and physiology courses and for students with little or no background in anatomy and physiology, this new, value-priced text provides a solid framework and just the right amount of content for learning and understanding the interrelations of body systems. A conversational writing style and a variety of study tools enhance student learning, while spectacular artwork clarifies complex concepts and provides expert visual guidance.
- Consistent unifying themes through the book help students comprehend the interrelation of body systems and how the structure and function of these change in relation to age and development.
- A dynamic full-color design with more than 1,000 full-color photographs and illustrations makes the information more accessible and simplifies explanations of difficult concepts.
- The unique Clear View of the Human Body transparencies permit the internal view of male and female bodies along several different planes of the body, helping students assimilate their knowledge of the structure of the body.
- Study Hints give specific suggestions for using many of the learning aids found in each chapter.
- Student learning objectives are presented as a list of things they should know by the end of their study of each chapter to help them focus on the most important concepts of each chapter.
- Introductory Stories present real-life clinical situations at the beginning of each chapter, with follow-up questions at the end of the chapter, challenging students to apply what they learn in practical and creative ways.
- Quick Check questions appear after major sections of content within the chapters to reinforce learning by prompting students to review.
- Review questions at the end of every chapter help them determine how well they have mastered important concepts.
- Critical thinking questions at the end of every chapter challenge students' reasoning skills.
- Anatomy and Physiology Online features a comprehensive and interactive online course with 22 modules following the body systems presented in the book, plus an asset library for instructors containing supplementary images, animations, activities, and an audio glossary.
Unit 1: Constituents of the Human Body
1. Organization of The Human Body
2. The Chemistry of Life
3. Anatomy of Cells
4. Physiology of Cells
5. Cell Growth and Reproduction
6. Tissues and Their Functions
Unit 2: Support and Movement
7. Skin and Its Appendages
8. Skeletal Tissues
9. Bones and Joints
10. Muscular System
Unit 3: Communication, Control, and Integration
11. Cells of the Nervous System
12. Central Nervous System
13. Peripheral Nervous System
14. Sense Organs
15. Endocrine System
Unit 4: Transportation and Defense
16. Blood
17. Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System
18. Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
19. Lymphatic and Immune Systems
Unit 5: Respiration, Nutrition, and Excretion
20. Respiratory System
21. Digestive System
22. Nutrition and Metabolism
23. Urinary System and Fluid Balance
Unit 6: Reproduction and Development
24. Male Reproductive System
25. Female Reproductive System
26. Growth and Development
27. Human Genetics and Heredity