Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
Now $91.79
Learn the essential concepts of major diseases/disorders and disease processes. Gould’s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 6th Edition is a concise, easy-to-understand introduction to the fundamentals of pathophysiology. Continuing in its well-known tradition of readability and vivid, full-color illustrations, the text is updated with the latest research and trends in human disease. Disorders are described by body system, with coverage of the interactions between systems, and special features help you to apply the material to real-life situations. No matter which healthcare field you may enter, this book provides solid preparation for the conditions you may encounter in clinical practice.
Newer Edition Available
Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- Updated graphics help you recognize and identify various concepts and specific disorders through enhanced flowcharts, photos, and illustrations.
- Concise and readable approach includes the information you need without overwhelming you, even if you have a limited scientific background.
- Format for individual disorder discussions includes 1) background, 2) pathophysiology, 3) etiology, 4) signs and symptoms, 5) diagnoses, 6) possible related complications/disorders, and 7) treatments/research.
- UNIQUE! Apply Your Knowledge questions ask you to use what you’ve learned to predict What can go wrong with this structure or system, transitioning you from normal anatomy and physiology into pathophysiology.
- UNIQUE! Think About questions alert you to important points and help with self-evaluation, test preparation, and review.
- Warning Signs boxes help in identifying the pre-emptive signs of physiologic events such as strokes.
- Emergency Treatment boxes give step-by-step instructions to follow for emergencies such as shock, cardiac arrest, and pneumothorax.
- Research boxes discuss new developments, problem areas of pathophysiology, and complications associated with research.
- Key terms, learning objectives, and bulleted chapter summaries help you focus on key concepts and information.
- NEW! All chapters updated to include new data on major diseases and other changes in guidelines and the literature, reflecting latest developments in pathophysiology including, updated drug therapy content, expanded coverage of viruses, new cancer treatments, new research on the links between mental health and biochemical/physiologic factors, and much more!
- NEW! Streamlined narrative content enhances the readability of imperative information.
Section I: Pathophysiology: Background and Overview 1. Introduction to Pathophysiology 2. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances 3. Introduction to Basic Pharmacology and Other Common Therapies 4. Pain
Section II: Defense/Protective 5. Inflammation and Healing 6. Infection 7. Immunity
Section III: Pathophysiology of Body Systems 8. Skin Disorders 9. Musculoskeletal Disorders 10. Blood and the Circulatory System 11. Lymphatic System Disorders 12. Cardiovascular System Disorders 13. Respiratory System Disorders 14. Neurological Disorders 15. Eyes, Ears and Other Sensory Organs 16. Endocrine Disorders 17. Digestive System Disorders 18. Urinary System Disorders 19. Reproductive System Disorders 20. Neoplasms and Cancer
Section IV: Factors Contributing to Pathophysiology 21. Congenital and Genetic Disorders 22. Complications Due to Pregnancy 23. Complications Due to Adolescence 24. Complications Due to Aging
Section V: Environmental Factors and Pathophysiology 25. Immobility and Associated Problems 26. Stress and Associated Problems 27. Substance Abuse and Associated Problems 28. Environmental Hazards and Associated Problems
Appendixes: Ready References Ready Reference 1: Body Planes, Cavities, Regions, Fluid Compartments, and Body Movements Ready Reference 2: Anatomic Terms Ready Reference 3: Conversion Tables Ready Reference 4: Common Abbreviations and Acronyms Ready Reference 5: Common Diagnostic Studies and Tests Ready Reference 6: Example of a Medical History Ready Reference 7: Disease Index Ready Reference 8: Drug Index Ready Reference 9: Additional Resources