Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Are you looking for a new way of teaching skills? Do you want to help your students learn how to problem solve and think conceptually? Stein and Hollen’s Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills: Fundamental to Advanced covers over 250 nursing skills in an innovative concept-based format with excellent illustrations, concise rationales, and current evidence. Unlike any other text, Stein and Hollen incorporate an overarching framework of seven critical concepts — accuracy, client-centered care, infection control, safety, communication, evaluation, and health maintenance — to drive home the importance of these key themes in performing nursing skills. Each section balances need-to-know narrative with step-by-step skills, and every chapter includes a detailed case study with a concept map to help students apply knowledge and use clinical judgement in clinical situations involving nursing skills.
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Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- Over 250 step-by-step nursing skills with over 900 photos and illustrations.
- Language and concepts reflect those used on the NCLEX.
- Concept-based approach to skills education pairs well with the Giddens framework.
- Accuracy, Client-Centered Care, Infection Control, Safety, Communication, Evaluation, and Health Maintenance are reinforced throughout as Critical Concepts to skills performance.
- Case studies with concept maps depict patients with problems that might be experienced in the clinical setting and are followed by a series of critical thinking questions with every chapter.
- Application of the QSEN competencies: A question that challenges students to apply a QSEN competency is provided within the critical thinking questions of each case study.
- Lessons from the Evidence boxes highlight and summarize current research that can contribute to evidence-based clinical practice; Lessons from the Courtroom boxes summarize actual court cases related to the skills in the chapter in order to help students understand legal implications; and Lessons from Experience boxes use a storytelling format to share the experiences of more experienced nurses with students.
- Application of the nursing process: Nursing diagnoses that include specific examples of client outcomes and nursing interventions are presented within each section of the chapters.
- Uses an easy-to-understand, conversational writing style.
- Organized to present fundamental skills first, then intermediate acute care skills, and finally advanced skills often performed in critical care.
- Critical concepts align with the quality and safety framework of the QSEN competencies.
- Emphasis on safety and client centered care.
- Expect the Unexpected boxes use a storytelling format to present unexpected situations that could occur and explore appropriate responses to them.
- Home Care, Lifespan, and Cultural Considerations provided in each chapter.
- Performing an Assessment chapter details physical assessment skills.
- Evolve site for students features skills video clips, skills checklists for all skills, and NCLEX-style review questions.
- Evolve site for instructors includes TEACH for Nurses, Test Bank, PowerPoint slides, and an image collection.
UNIT I Fundamental Nursing Skills
Foundations of Safe Client Care
SECTION 1 Identifying a Client
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Identifying the Client
SKILL 1.1 Identifying a Client
SECTION 2 Preventing Infection
Chain of Infection
Preventing the Transmission of Infection
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Preventing Infection
SKILL 1.2 Performing Hand Hygiene With an AlcoholBased Agent
SKILL 1.3 Performing Hand Hygiene With Soap and Water
SKILL 1.4 Applying and Removing Clean Gloves
SKILL 1.5 Applying and Removing Personal Protective Equipment
SECTION 3 Moving Clients Safely
Benefits of Proper Client Positioning and Repositioning
Ergonomics and Body Mechanics
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Moving the Client Safely
SKILL 1.6 Positioning a Client in Bed
SKILL 1.7 Moving a Client up in Bed
SKILL 1.8 Transferring a Client From Bed to Chair
SKILL 1.9 Using a Sling Lift to Move a Client
SKILL 1.10 Using a Sit-to-Stand Lift
SKILL 1.11 Transferring Clients Laterally (From Bed to Stretcher)
SKILL 1.12 Moving Clients Who Have Special Precautions (Logrolling)
SECTION 4 Using Restraints
Defining Restraints
Use of Securing Devices
Regulations Governing Use of Restraints
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Using Restraints
SKILL 1.13 Applying and Removing Restraints
SKILL 1.14 Applying a Mummy Restraint
CHAPTER 2 Personal Care and Hygiene
SECTION 1 Bathing a Client
Skin Assessment
Skin Care
Bathing an Adult
Bathing an Infant
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Bathing the Client
SKILL 2.1 Assisting an Ambulatory Client With Bathing
SKILL 2.2 Changing the Gown of a Client With an IV Line
SKILL 2.3 Bathing an Adult Client in Bed
SKILL 2.4 Providing Alternate Perineal Care
SKILL 2.5 Providing Foot Care
SKILL 2.6 Providing Nail Care
SKILL 2.7 Bathing an Infant
SECTION 2 Oral Hygiene
Oral Care in the Acute Care Setting
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Providing Oral Care
SKILL 2.8 Providing Oropharyngeal Suctioning With a Round-Tip Suction Catheter (Yankauer)
SKILL 2.9 Providing Oral Hygiene for a Conscious Client
SKILL 2.10 Providing Oral Hygiene for an Unconscious Client
SKILL 2.11 Removing, Cleaning, and Inserting Dentures
SECTION 3 Providing Hair Care
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Providing Hair Care
SKILL 2.12 Shampooing the Nonambulatory Client’s Hair
SKILL 2.13 Shampooing a Client With a Dry-Shampoo Cap
SKILL 2.14 Shaving a Client
SKILL 2.15 Caring for a Client With Lice
SECTION 4 Eye and Ear Care
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Eye and Ear Care
SKILL 2.16 Providing Eye Care for an Unconscious Client
SKILL 2.17 Removing and Cleaning Contact Lenses
SKILL 2.18 Removing, Cleaning, and Inserting an Artificial Eye
SECTION 5 Assisting With Elimination
Applying Concepts of Safety, Client-Centered Care, Collaboration, and Health Maintenance
Bedside Commode, Urinals, Bedpans, and Condom Catheters
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Assisting With Elimination
SKILL 2.19 Assisting a Client Using a Bedside Commode SKILL 2.20 Assisting a Client Using a Urinal
SKILL 2.21 Assisting a Client Using a Bedpan
SKILL 2.22 Applying a Condom Catheter
SECTION 6 Making Beds
Types of Beds
Types of Mattresses
Types of Bedding and Bed MakingApplication of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Changing a Bed
SKILL 2.23 Changing an Unoccupied Bed
SKILL 2.24 Making a Surgical Bed
SKILL 2.25 Changing an Occupied Bed
CHAPTER 3 Vital Signs and Vital Measurements
Vital Signs
SECTION 1 Assessing Temperature
Sites and Methods of Temperature Assessment Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Assessing Temperature
SKILL 3.1 Measuring Temperature With an Electronic Thermometer
SKILL 3.2 Obtaining a Tympanic Temperature
SKILL 3.3 Obtaining a Temperature Using a Temporal Artery Thermometer
SECTION 2 Regulating Temperature
Regulating Temperature
Application of the Nursing ProcessCritical Concepts: Regulating Temperature
SKILL 3.4 Using Conductive Cooling or Heating Therapy
SKILL 3.5 Using an Infant Radiant Warmer
SECTION 3 Assessing Pulses
Location and Differentiation of Pulses
Apical Pulse
Technique for Assessing Pulses
Alterations of the Client’s Pulse
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Assessing Pulses
SKILL 3.6 Obtaining a Radial Pulse Rate
SKILL 3.7 Assessing Carotid Pulses
SKILL 3.8 Assessing Peripheral Pulses
SKILL 3.9 Using a Doppler Ultrasound Device to Assess Pulses
SKILL 3.10 Obtaining an Apical Pulse
SKILL 3.11 Obtaining an Apical-Radial Pulse
SECTION 4 Assessing Respirations
Assessing Respirations in Pediatric Clients
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Assessing Respirations
SKILL 3.12 Obtaining a Respiratory Rate and Respiratory Assessment
SECTION 5 Assessing Blood Pressure
Classification of Hypertension
Factors Affecting Blood Pressure
Measuring Blood Pressure
Application of the Nursing Process
Critical Concepts: Assessing Blood Pressure
SKILL 3.13 Palpating a Systolic Blood Pressure
SKILL 3.14 Measuring a Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure by Auscultation
SKILL 3.15 Measuring Blood Pressure With an Automatic Oscillometric Monitor
SKILL 3.16 Using a Doppler Ultrasound Device t