cover image - Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323846400
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 02-28-2023
Page Count: 904
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $98.99

Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition

by Loren Nell Melton Stein, MSN, RNC-NIC and Connie J Hollen, RN, MS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323846400
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 02-28-2023
Page Count: 904
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $98.99
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Concept-Based Clinical Nursing Skills: Fundamental to Advanced Competencies, 2nd Edition covers more than 250 nursing skills in an innovative concept-based format. Unlike any other text, Stein and Hollen incorporate an overarching framework of seven critical concepts — accuracy, person-centered care, infection control, safety, communication, evaluation, and health maintenance — to drive home the importance of these key themes in performing nursing skills and developing nursing competencies. Every chapter includes a detailed case study with a concept map to help students apply their knowledge to clinical situations involving nursing skills. The nursing process is seamlessly integrated within the skills, and Next-Generation NCLEX® question types strengthen students’ critical thinking and clinical judgment skills. This fully referenced text identifies and applies credible researched-based knowledge that comprises the knowledge for nursing practice.

    • NEW! End-of-chapter Next Generation NCLEX® types of questions challenge students to apply critical thinking and clinical judgment.
    • NEW! 12 Faculty Simulation Guides in the instructor resources on the Evolve companion website use the NCSBN® Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and AACN Essentials competencies to help students identify, anticipate, and apply the steps of the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model and focus on key competencies.
    • NEW! AACN Essentials language and competencies are incorporated into every chapter and included in case study questions.
    • More than 250 nursing skills are presented in a step-by-step format with concise rationales, current evidence, and over 900 outstanding photos and illustrations.
    • Emphasis on NCLEX® preparation is incorporated throughout with language and concepts that reflect those used on the exam.
    • Concept-based approach to skills education pairs well with the Giddens framework.
    • Critical concepts to skills performance — accuracy, person-centered care, infection control, safety, communication, evaluation, and health maintenance — are reinforced throughout the text with a strong emphasis on safety.
    • Detailed case studies with concept maps in each skill chapter depict patients with problems that might be experienced in the clinical setting and are followed by a series of critical thinking questions. Questions are designed to help students learn how to apply knowledge, synthesize nursing competencies, and use clinical judgment in nursing practice.
    • Easy-to-understand, conversational writing style with a logical organization presents fundamental skills first, then intermediate acute care skills, and finally advanced skills often performed in critical care, with an emphasis on safety and person-centered care.
    • Application of the QSEN competencies includes critical thinking questions that challenge students to apply a competency from the QSEN quality and safety framework.
    • Application of the AACN Essentials competencies includes objectives and critical thinking questions that allow students to integrate nursing clinical skills into the broader role of the nurse.
    • Application of the nursing process sections in each chapter present nursing diagnoses that include specific examples of client outcomes and nursing interventions.
    • Lifespan, cultural, and home care considerations assist your students in understanding the diverse needs of their patients.
    • Lessons from the Evidence boxes highlight current research that can contribute to evidence-based clinical practice and identify gaps in knowledge.
    • Lessons from the Courtroom boxes summarize actual court cases related to the skills in the chapter to help students understand legal implications.
    • Storytelling-style "Lessons From" boxes include Lessons from Experience sharing practical insights from more experienced nurses and Expect the Unexpected boxes preparing students to anticipate unexpected situations that could occur and explore appropriate responses.
    • Performing an Assessment chapter details essential physical assessment skills.
    • NEW! End-of-chapter Next Generation NCLEX® types of questions challenge you to apply critical thinking and clinical judgment.
    • NEW! AACN Essentials language and competencies are incorporated into every chapter and included in case study questions.
  • UNIT I: Fundamental Nursing Skills
    1. Foundations of Safe Client Care
    2. Personal Care and Hygiene  
    3. Vital Signs and Vital Measurements
    4. Performing an Assessment
    5. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Tube Therapy 
    6. Supporting Mobility and Immobilization
    7. Comfort Care
    8. End-of-Life Care 
    UNIT II: Intermediate Nursing Skills
    9. Airway and Breathing
    10. Sterile Technique  
    11. Medication Administration
    12. Venous Access
    13. Central Venous Access: Managing Central Venous Access Devices
    14. Bowel Elimination
    15. Urine Elimination
    16. Wound Care
    17. Perioperative Care
    UNIT III: Advanced Nursing Skills
    18. Advanced Respiratory Management
    19. Perfusion and Advanced Cardiovascular Care
    20. Advanced Neurologic Care
    Illustration Credits
  • Loren Nell Melton Stein, MSN, RNC-NIC, College of Nursing,University of Oklahoma Health Science Center and Connie J Hollen, RN, MS, College of Nursing,University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
Most review copies are eBooks – how fast!
A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.