cover image - Wilkins' Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 9th Edition
ISBN: 9780323696999
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 10-21-2021
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $101.99

Wilkins' Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 9th Edition

by Albert J. Heuer, PhD, MBA, RRT, RPFT, FAARC


cover image - Wilkins' Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 9th Edition
ISBN: 9780323696999
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 10-21-2021
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $101.99
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Effective respiratory care begins with patient assessment skills! Wilkins' Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 9th Edition prepares your students to assist physicians in the decision-making process regarding treatment, evaluation of the treatment’s effectiveness, and determining if changes in the treatment need to be made. Chapters are updated to reflect the latest standards of practice and the newest advances in technology. A market-leading respiratory care text, this resource aligns content with National Board for Respiratory Care exam matrices to help students prepare for success on the NBRC’s CRT and RRT credentialing exams.

    • NEW! Updated content throughout the text reflects the latest evidence-based practices and clinical developments, including infection control measures, imaging techniques, assessment of critically ill patients, and the increased reliance on telehealth and electronic health records.
    • NEW! Updated and revised content aligns with the latest NBRC credentialing exam matrix.
    • NEW! Take-Home points are included for each chapter, plus cases as well as questions and answers for students to use in testing and applying their knowledge.
    • Case studies provide real-life clinical scenarios challenging students to interpret data and make accurate patient assessments.
    • Simply Stated boxes highlight and summarize key points to promote student comprehension.
    • Questions to Ask boxes identify the questions practitioners should ask patients (e.g., coughing, sputum, shortness of breath) or questions to ask themselves (e.g., lung sounds they are hearing, blood pressure, respiratory rate) when confronted with certain pathologies.
    • Assessment questions in each chapter are aligned to the learning objectives and reflect the NBRC Exam format, with answers located on the Evolve companion website.
    • Comprehensive approach addresses all of the most important aspects and topics of assessment, so students can learn to assess patients effectively.
    • Learning objectives, key terms, and chapter outlines begin each chapter and introduce the content to be mastered.
    • Key Points at the end of each chapter emphasize the topics identified in the learning objectives, providing easy review.
    • NEW! Updated content throughout the text reflects the latest evidence-based practices and clinical developments, including infection control measures, imaging techniques, assessment of critically ill patients, and the increased reliance on telehealth and electronic health records.
    • NEW! Updated and revised content aligns with the latest NBRC credentialing exam matrix.
    • NEW! Take-Home points are included for each chapter, plus cases as well as questions and answers for students to use in testing and applying their knowledge.
  • 1. Preparing for the Patient Encounter
    2. The Medical History and the Interview
    3. Cardiopulmonary Symptoms
    4. Vital Signs
    5. Fundamentals of Physical Examination
    6. Neurological Assessment of the Respiratory Patient
    7. Clinical Laboratory Studies
    8. Interpretation of Blood Gases
    9. Pulmonary Function Testing
    10. Chest Imaging
    11. Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram
    12. Assessment of the Neonatal and Pediatric Patient
    13. Assessment of the Older Patient
    14. Respiratory Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit
    15. Assessment of Hemodynamic Pressures
    16. Assessment of Cardiac Output
    17. Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy
    18. Nutritional Assessment of Patients with Respiratory Disease
    19. Assessment of Sleep and Breathing
    20. Assessment of the Home Care Patient
    21. Documentation of the Patient Assessment
    Answer Appendix
  • Albert J. Heuer, PhD, MBA, RRT, RPFT, FAARC, Program Director and Professor,Masters in Health Care Management Rutgers - School of Health Professions Newark
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