Evolve Resources for Prendergast: Review Questions and Answers for Veterinary Technicians, 6th Edition

Educator Resources on Evolve
- Access to all student resources on Evolve
Student Resources on Evolve
- Test bank of 5,000 questions
- Customized practice tests and timed practice exams
- Extended rationales for answers
- Instant feedback and automatic test scores
PART ONE: FOUNDATION OF KNOWLEDGE REVIEWSection 1: Anatomy and Physiology Section 2: Hospital ManagementSection 3: CalculationsSection 4: TerminologyPART TWO: VTNE REVIEWSection 5: Pharmacology Section 6: Surgical Nursing Section 7: Dentistry Section 8: Laboratory Procedures Section 9: Animal Nursing Section 10: Diagnostic ImagingSection 11: Anesthesia Section 12: Emergency and Critical Care Section 13: Pain Management and Analgesia Section 14: Exotic AnimalsAppendix: Answer Key
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