cover image - Nursing Research in Canada - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323779012
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-01-2021
Page Count: 656
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $59.99

Nursing Research in Canada - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 5th Edition

by Mina D. Singh, RN, RP, BSc, BScN, MEd, PhD, I-FCNEI, Lorraine Thirsk, RN, PhD, Sarah Stahlke, BScN, MHSA, PhD, Ramesh Venkatesa Perumal, RN, PhD, MSc(N), CCNE, CNCC®, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, PhD, RN, FAAN and Judith Haber, PhD, RN, FAAN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

cover image - Nursing Research in Canada - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323779012
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-01-2021
Page Count: 656
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $59.99
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Learn how to better understand and apply research to your everyday practice with LoBiondo-Wood and Haber’s Nursing Research in Canada: Methods, Critical Appraisal, and Utilization, 5th Edition. Written by an all-star team of educators and research experts from Canada and the US, this thoroughly updated text is the perfect resource to help ground you in the processes behind nursing research and evidence-informed practice. This edition features new research examples that reflect the most current Canadian studies, fresh vignettes, easy-to-use navigation tools, enhanced readability, and well-balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research methods.

    • Balanced-but-distinct coverage of both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to nursing research acquaints students with the processes behind research and evidence-informed practice.
    • Complete, high-quality research examples, including four new sample critiques, demonstrate how to apply the judgement and reasoning principles outlined in the text to published quantitative and qualitative research studies.
    • Research Vignettes introduce students to real-world practitioners of nursing research and help bridge the gaps among clinical research, academia, and clinical practice. Vignettes cover timely topics facing Canadian nurses such as immunization, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), medical cannabis, public health, Indigenous health and nursing, and rural and remote nursing.
    • Effective learning aids in every chapter include Key Terms, Learning Outcomes, Research Hints, Evidence-Informed Practice Tips, Appraising the Evidence, Critiquing Criteria, Critique of a Research Study, Critical Thinking Decision Paths, Critical Thinking Challenges, Critical Judgement Questions, and Key Points
    • NEW! Part 2: Indigenous Peoples: Research, Knowledges, and Ways of Knowing introduces students to the history and significance of colonization as it relates to how Indigenous peoples have been affected by, and are affecting, nursing and health research.
    • NEW! Inclusion of Indigenous Research Methods and application to the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee.
    • NEW! All-new research examples and vignettes demonstrate the most current, high-quality published studies to exemplify the work of prominent nurse-researchers and to encourage the development of clinical reasoning and judgement.
    • NEW! Critical judgement-focused practice questions in the printed text, accompanying study guide, and companion Evolve website promote critical thinking and prepare students for exam licensure.
    • NEW! Glossary of key terms at the end of the book gives students quick access to all new key terms.
  • Part 1: Research Overview

    Research Vignette: Nursing research to improve immunization in Canada

    Chapter 1 The Role of Research in Nursing

    Chapter 2 Theoretical Frameworks

    Chapter 3 Critical Appraisal Strategies: Reading Research

    Chapter 4 Developing Research Questions, Hypotheses, and Clinical Questions

    Chapter 5 Finding and Appraising the Literature

    Chapter 6 Legal and Ethical Issues

    Part 2: Indigenous Peoples: Research, Knowledges, and Ways of Knowing

    Research Vignette: An Interview with Dr. Evelyn Voyageur

    Chapter 7 Indigenous Peoples: Research, Knowledges, and Ways of Knowing

    Part 3: Qualitative Research

    Research Vignette: Public Health Nursing and the Social Construction of Mothering

    Chapter 8 Introduction to Qualitative Research

    Chapter 9 Qualitative Approaches to Research

    Part 4: Quantitative Research

    Research Vignette: Why I Focus on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

    Chapter 10 Introduction to Quantitative Research

    Chapter 11 Experimental and Quasiexperimental Designs

    Chapter 12 Nonexperimental Designs

    Part 5: Processes Related to Research

    Research Vignette: Nursing Workforce

    Chapter 13 Sampling

    Chapter 14 Data-Collection Methods

    Chapter 15 Rigour in Research

    Chapter 16 Qualitative Data Analysis

    Chapter 17 Quantitative Data Analysis

    Chapter 18 Presenting the Findings

    Part 6: Critiquing Research

    Research Vignette: Rural and Remote Nursing Research

    Chapter 19 Critiquing Qualitative Research

    Chapter 20 Critiquing Quantitative Research

    Part 7: Application of Research: Evidence-Informed Practice

    Research Vignette: The influence of NP Program students in my current research portfolio: Exploring medical cannabis and applying it to clinical practice

    Chapter 21 Developing an Evidence-Informed Practice

    Research Vignette: Cancer Survivorship Program: Cancer, Work, Fear of Cancer Recurrence


    Appendix A. The rocks and hard places of MAiD: a qualitative study of nursing practice in the context of legislated assisted death

    Appendix B. Lanolin for the treatment of nipple pain in breastfeeding women: a randomized controlled trial

    Appendix C. Mâmawoh Kamâtowin, "Coming together to help each other in wellness": Honouring Indigenous Nursing Knowledge

    Appendix D. How Does Simulation Impact Building Competency and Confidence in Recognition and Response to the Adult and Paediatric Deteriorating Patient Among Undergraduate Nursing Students?

    Appendix E. Prenatal Maternal Anxiety as a Risk Factor for Preterm Birth and the Effects of Heterogeneity on this Relationship: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis



    Answers and Rationales to the Critical Judgement Questions

  • Mina D. Singh, RN, RP, BSc, BScN, MEd, PhD, I-FCNEI, Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Lorraine Thirsk, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Disciplines, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Sarah Stahlke, BScN, MHSA, PhD, Adjunct Professor/Associate Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Health Disciplines, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Ramesh Venkatesa Perumal, RN, PhD, MSc(N), CCNE, CNCC®, Professor, School of Community and Health Studies, Centennial College; Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor, Director of PhD Nursing Program, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, School of Nursing, Nursing Systems and Technology, Houston, Texas, USA and Judith Haber, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emerita, Executive Director, Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice (OHNEP) Program, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing, New York University, New York, New York
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