Evolve Resources for Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 9th Edition

- TEACH for Nurses lesson plans
- Image collection
- PowerPoint® slides
- Test bank
- Physical examination and health assessment case studies for the Next Generation NCLEX®
- Animations
- Video clips
- Audio clips
- Key points
- Case studies for the Next Generation NCLEX®
- Review questions for the NCLEX®
- Clinical reference:
- Complete Inpatient Reassessment
- Complete Older Person Evaluation
- Complete Physical Examination
- Physical Examination Summary Checklists
1. Evidence-Based Assessment
2. Cultural Assessment
3. The Interview
4. The Complete Health History
5. Mental Status Assessment
6. Substance Use Assessment
7. Family Violence and Human Trafficking
8. Assessment Techniques and Safety in the Clinical Setting
9. General Survey and Measurement
10. Vital Signs
11. Pain Assessment
12. Nutrition Assessment
13. Skin, Hair, and Nails
14. Head, Face, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics
15. Eyes
16. Ears
17. Nose, Mouth, and Throat
18. Breasts, Axillae, and Regional Lymphatics
19. Thorax and Lungs
20. Heart and Neck Vessels
21. Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic System
22. Abdomen
23. Musculoskeletal System
24. Neurologic System
25. Male Genitourinary System
26. Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
27. Female Genitourinary System
28. The Complete Health Assessment: Adult
29. The Complete Physical Assessment: Infant, Young Child, and Adolescent
30. Bedside Assessment and Electronic Documentation
31. Pregnancy
32. Functional Assessment of the Older Adult
Index -
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