cover image - Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness (Access Code), 7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323812887
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-14-2021
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $80.99

Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness (Access Code), 7th Edition

by Barbara Herlihy, PhD(Physiology), RN

Online Course - Access Card

cover image - Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health and Illness (Access Code), 7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323812887
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-14-2021
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $80.99

Use this dynamic online learning resource to help your students master the basics of A&P! With modules corresponding to the chapters in Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition, Anatomy and Physiology Online makes it easier to understand, remember, and apply essential A&P content. Interactive learning modules use hundreds of illustrations, narrated animations, and engaging activities to bring the textbook content to life. Showing how body systems function in health and illness, this self-paced course is ideal for diverse learning styles — especially for visual and hands-on learners.

    • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest content from Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition.
    • 21 highly interactive modules correspond one-to-one with chapters in Herlihy’s textbook, bringing content to life with a variety of engaging interactive learning activities, plus self-assessment quizzes and module exams to help students measure their understanding of the content.
    • More than 300 full-color drawings, photographs, and micrographs simplify difficult concepts and complex processes, accurately depicting anatomy, physiology, and disease.
    • More than 120 state-of-the-art, full-color animations with narration clarify anatomic and physiologic processes and provide a realistic graphic foundation of underlying structures and functions.
    • More than 300 interactive exercises use a variety of engaging activities such as identification, sequencing, crosswords, and more to make learning easier and bring A&P to life.
    • Complete glossary of terms includes definitions and audio pronunciations, facilitating mastery of key terms and concepts.
    • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest content from Herlihy’s The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition.
  • Module 1: Introduction to the Human Body
    Module 2: Basic Chemistry
    Module 3: Cells 
    Module 4: Microbiology Basics
    Module 5: Tissues and Membranes
    Module 6: Integumentary System and Body Temperature
    Module 7: Skeletal System
    Module 8: Muscular System
    Module 9: Nervous System
    Module 10: Sensory System
    Module 11: Endocrine System
    Module 12: Blood
    Module 13: The Heart
    Module 14: The Blood Vessels and Circulation
    Module 15: Lymphatic System and Immune System
    Module 16: Respiratory System
    Module 17: Digestive System
    Module 18: Urinary System
    Module 19: Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
    Module 20: Reproductive Systems
    Module 21: Human Development and Heredity
  • Barbara Herlihy, PhD(Physiology), RN, Professor, School of Nursing and Health Professions, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX, USA