cover image - Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780323871457
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 08-01-2023
Page Count: 352
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $83.99

Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition

by Julia Balzer Riley, RN, MN, AHN-BC, REACE, CSL


cover image - Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780323871457
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 08-01-2023
Page Count: 352
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $83.99
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Immerse your nursing students in the ideas, theories, and techniques of effective communication in the workplace! Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition adopts a uniquely practical and personal approach to the demands of today’s nursing practice, providing extensive examples, exercises, and techniques that help students apply communication skills in a variety of clinical settings. Using a conversational tone, this relatable text takes your students beyond theory to show them how to understand important concepts and use communication as a tool to limit stress in their nursing practice. The 10th edition includes an emphasis on holistic self-care of the nurse, a new Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect chapter, a new appendix mapping the AACN® Essentials domains to the text objectives, and case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN). In addition, the latest information on the topics of mindfulness, resilience, and interprofessional communication highlight the importance of implementing these tools in practice.

    • NEW! Emphasis on the holistic self-care of the nurse includes Self-Care Nudge content in the narrative and new Simplify and Deepen boxes.
    • NEW! Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect chapter helps students learn how to approach these difficult situations and respond in an honest and respectful manner.
    • NEW! Case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® in relevant chapters challenge students to apply clinical judgment to nursing communication scenarios.
    • NEW! Three new appendices provide mapping of the AACN® Essentials to the text, a holistic self-care assessment, and the answer key for Next-Generation NCLEX® case studies.
    • REVISED! Chapter updates include practical strategies to convey and sustain caring in digital settings in the Navigating the Expanding World of Digital Communication chapter and discussions on Watson’s Caring Theory in the Caring Communications with Clients and Colleagues whose Behaviors are Challenging chapter.
    • Moments of Connection boxes highlight beneficial outcomes of successful communication and provide concrete examples of how communication techniques work.
    • Wit & Wisdom boxes present selected verses and quotations relevant to chapter topics, providing moments of relief from serious topics and revealing "a-ha" moments when theory becomes linked to practice.
    • Discussion of the importance of interprofessional education and communication in the healthcare environment has been included.
    • End-of-chapter exercises titled Practicing (followed by the title of the chapter) provide specific opportunities for students to master techniques discussed in the chapter and hone their communication skills.
    • Exercises in each chapter, including reflective journaling, remediation, online and group activities, discussion topics, and more, help facilitate various learning types.
    • "Active Learning" feature in every chapter promotes active, goal-directed reading.
    • The importance of "presence" in nursing — being present for clients, families, colleagues, and self — is discussed in relevant chapters.
    • NEW! Emphasis on the holistic self-care of the nurse includes Self-Care Nudge content in the narrative and new Simplify and Deepen boxes.
    • NEW! Case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® in relevant chapters challenge you to apply clinical judgment to nursing communication scenarios.
    • NEW! Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect chapter helps you learn how to approach these difficult situations and respond in an honest and respectful manner.
    • NEW! Three new appendices provide mapping of the AACN® Essentials to the text, a holistic self-care assessment, and the answer key for Next-Generation NCLEX® case studies.
  • PART I Basic Competencies for Communication in Nursing
    1. Responsible, Assertive, Caring Communication in Nursing
    2. The Client–Nurse Relationship: A Helping Relationship
    3. Starting with YOU: Understanding Yourself to Build a Foundation for Learning about Communication
    4. Solving Problems Together
    5. Understanding Each Other: Communication and Culture
    6. Demonstrating Warmth
    7. Showing Respect
    8. Being Genuine
    9. Being Empathetic
    10. Honoring Professional Boundaries
    11. Being Specific
    12. Asking Questions
    13. Expressing Opinions
    14. Using Humor
    15. Embracing the Spiritual Journey of Healthcaring: Meaning Making
    PART II Advanced Competencies for Communication in Nursing
    16. Requesting Support
    17. Overcoming Evaluation Anxiety
    18. Working with Feedback
    19. Using Relaxation Techniques to Become More Mindful
    20. Incorporating Imagery in Professional Practice and Self-Care
    21. Incorporating Positivity into Life and Work
    22. Learning to Work Together in Groups
    23. Navigating the Complex World of Digital Communication
    24. Learning Confrontation Skills
    25. Refusing Unreasonable Requests
    26. Caring Communication with Clients and Colleagues whose Behaviors Are Challenging
    27. Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect
    28. Managing Team Conflict Assertively and Responsibility
    29. Communicating at the End of Life
    30. Continuing the Commitment to the Journey

    Appendix I: Chapter Objectives in This Book Mapped to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) 2021 Essentials Domains
    Appendix II: Holistic Self-Care Assessment
    Appendix III: NGN Case Study Answers

  • Julia Balzer Riley, RN, MN, AHN-BC, REACE, CSL, Faculty, “Caring Science, Mindful Practice, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)” through the Watson Caring Science Institute, Faculty, Sage-ing® International, President Constant Source Seminars, Ellenton, Florida
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